
Monday, April 22, 2024

Morgan Stanley’s Wealth Arm Probed by Multiple Federal Regulators

This is a rather extraordinary speech by Mario Draghi, former head of the EU Central Bank and currently tasked with producing a report on EU competitiveness. If I were to summarize it: "we f*cked up big time and need radical change".

Mario Draghi: Radical Change—Is What Is Needed

Ingrid Robeyn’s ‘Limitarianism’ Makes the Case for Capping Wealth Atlantic 

Greek journalists launch 24-hour strike over low wages DW

Disneyland cracks down on free disability access service abused by park guests SFGate

President Joe Biden and first lady Dr. Jill Bidenearned $619,976 in 2023, according to their joint tax return released by the White House on Monday – the deadline date for Americans to file their taxes.

The White House also released the return for Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff, showing that pair made $450,299 last year.

“President Biden believes that all occupants of the Oval Office should be open and honest with the American people,” the White House said in a statement on Monday, “and that the longstanding tradition of annually releasing presidential tax returns should continue unbroken.”

Hunters Die After Consuming CWD-Infected Venison Yahoo! News

FBI says Chinese hackers preparing to attack US infrastructure Reuters

One Nation’s Fishing Fleet, Another Nation’s Pirates: Countering China’s Maritime Militia USNI 

We Need To Rewild The Internet NOMEA 

Morgan Stanley’s Wealth Arm Probed by Multiple Federal Regulators Wall Street Journal. From a few days ago, still germane.


Apple loses smartphone crown to Samsung as Chinese rivals gain ground Financial Times

What will Chinese police officers do in Hungary?Daily News Hungary