
Friday, September 29, 2023

International Arrival: Preventing Astronaut Bone Loss With Innovative Compound

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.

-- Maria Skłodowska-Curie (1867-1934)

If there is no karma, nothing matters. If there is a karma, nothing else matters

Opinion | Pay to Tweet? Elon Musk’s latest plans for X

With this move, it's hard to argue the billionaire isn't just intentionally trying to blow up the former Twitter

The power of data: Forget Twitter, the party’s moved to WhatsApp

As Australians lose interest in sharing their opinions on social platforms, they are instead jumping into group chats. AFR Magazine’s hotly anticipated Power issue is out on Friday, September 29.

FASTER, PLEASE:  Preventing Astronaut Bone Loss With Innovative Compound

Opinion | Shameful: USC football temporarily bans reporter from covering the team

He had the nerve to write about a conversation two players had in front of the media, but before media availability officially started.

JAMAIS VU:  The Opposite of Déjà Vu Exists, And It’s Even More Uncanny

WOKE BURIES EVERYTHING: ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3’ Both Loves and Buries Greece

SOMEBODY SET UP US THE A-BOMB: For filmmakers, ‘Oppenheimer’s’ $900M-plus haul is an important moment for Hollywood and theaters.

Hopes were always high for Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer.” The studio knew the film was great, and commercial. But no one in the industry expected that a long, talky, R-rated drama released at the height of the summer movie season would earn over $900 million at the box office.

After an early screening, “ Dune” filmmaker Denis Villeneuve said he knew he’d just seen “a masterpiece.” He even remembered saying that it would be a big success.

“But where it is right now has blown the roof off of my projection,” Villeneuve told The Associated Press. “It’s a three-hour movie about people talking about nuclear physics.”

Based on a book co-written by a pair of far left former Nation editors, to boot.