
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

World dancing 🕺 on 'thin ice' as UN climate Corporations Are Laughing At The Idea Of Paying Taxes As Nearly $1 Trillion Goes Offshore Every Year

The problem with the media - is that if you talk to it, it will use things against you. And that if you don't talk to it, it will use things against you
-Lauren Klarfeld the Lillie paradox

Humanity still has a chance, close to the last one, to prevent the worst of climate change's future harms, a top United Nations panel of scientists says.

But doing so requires quickly slashing carbon pollution and fossil fuel use by nearly two-thirds by 2035, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said.

1,100 Scientists and Students Barred From UK Amid China Crackdown Guardian

Chinese Billionaire Guo Wengui Charged With Billion-Dollar Fraud in US Bloomberg 

German Spy Ship Reportedly Sent on Secret Mission to Nord Stream 1 Site Days Before BlastSputnik

And so the deal is done. Here’s to the memories

Credit Suisse has become the first domestic bank to be found guilty of a corporate crime by Swiss authorities after a court found the lender failed to stop the laundering of Bulgarian drug money.
The case centred on Credit Suisse’s role in accepting millions of euros in deposits from a group of Bulgarian clients between 2004 and 2008. Judges ruled that the bank ignored obvious red flags — including huge sums of cash being brought in suitcases and two assassinations — that hinted at the possible criminal origins of the funds.

Why China Is Unlikely to Invade Taiwan

Questioning why the US has gone into belligerence over its belief that China will occupy Taiwan

Corporations Are Laughing At The Idea Of Paying Taxes As Nearly $1 Trillion Goes Offshore Every Year

Tobin: MTV The Challenge – Did Tori And Devin Just 'Win' A Huge Tax Problem?