
Saturday, December 03, 2022

Giving up - Money is the problem. It usually is, in Austen’s world

Thanksgiving history: Traditions and origins, where did it begin?

Socceroos World Cup run has made Australia fall in love with football again but for how long?

 Building the Empire State Building

 Enter Inspector Gadget, and Wilkie Collin

The New York Times: “The early models of e-book readers, created about 25 years ago, weighed more than a pound and needed to be connected to a computer. Those clunky slabs paved the way for the modern, lightweight devices that can download the latest best sellers and old classics (which are often free) in mere seconds. E-book hardware and reading apps continue to evolve, so if you’re looking to upgrade your device, find a gift idea or get started reading electronically, here’s a guide…”

How a parasitic fungus turns ants into 'zombies' The deadly parasite’s grand finale involves sending toxic spores blooming from the dead ant’s head.

Even Jane Austen Almost Gave Up

"Money is the problem. It usually is, in Austen’s world." - LitHuB

The Ways Language Can’t Be Divided From Activism

Writer Ryan Lee Wong: " This is a metaphor for the writer’s dilemma: this desire to transform everything in your life, especially the painful things, into our way of making meaning of it, making it legible to yourself and others." - The Millions

Oh Great, BookTok Is Becoming Book Selling Tok

To be honest, why didn't this happen earlier? It's a perfect marriage of social media and sales. - LitHub

Twitter Gave Many Writers A Path Into Publishing’s Walled Garden

Twitter has given writers access. "People of color, people who live anywhere other than New York City, people who work day jobs unrelated to media—they can build an audience, post links to their work, attract the attention of editors." - The Atlantic

Authorities Bust Russians Running The World’s Largest Pirated Books Library

“The defendants are alleged to have operated a website for over a decade whose central purpose was providing stolen intellectual property, in violation of copyright laws.” - The Verge