
Sunday, December 05, 2021

Ghostwriters Come out of the Shadows

 The primary distinction of the artist is that he must actively cultivate that state which most men, necessarily, must avoid; the state of being alone.

— James Baldwin, who died in 1987 via memories of the  nsw parliamentary library 

    We created the logo of Kunsthalle Praha, this new art institution at Klárov, five years before its opening, and the Kunst font became the basis and an integral part of the future visual style of the orientation system and exhibitions. This font, designed by Mark Pistora, is based on a sketch by German typographer Jan Tschichold from 1930, the same time when the building of the former Zenger Transformer Substation was built.

Why A Toaster From 1949 Is Still Smarter Than Any Sold TodayWhy A Toaster From 1949 Is Still Smarter Than Any Sold Today


       In Publishers Weekly Rachel Deahl writes about that odd category of writers, in Ghostwriters Come out of the Shadows.
       They still seem pretty much in the shadows, even per this account -- even if:
The rise of the term collaborator within publishing speaks to the respect ghostwriters command from others working behind the scenes. As one industry insider, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, put it, the term ghostwriter “implies subterfuge,” which they called “problematic.” The work is, they went on, totally “above board” and there’s “no reason to hide it.”
       (Apparently 'collaborator' doesn't have ... connotations ? Also: if you have to hide behind anonymity for this kind of remark, what does that say ?) 
       Well, as always, publishing remains a very odd industry, with many odd practices. 

WSJ: Fans Pour Funding—And Faith—Into 'The Chosen': A Hit Drama About Jesus

The editors of The New York Times Book Review have released their 100 Notable Books of 2021 list. (Recall that this list is selected from the titles reviewed (or soon-to-be-reviewed) in the NYTBR -- a decent-sized pool of books, but far from all the worthy ones out there.) 

In her recent book, New York Times Book Review editor Pamela Paul catalogs some of the things we have lost because of our move to networked digital realms over the past 25 years.

Whatever our emotional response to this departed realm, we are faced with the fact that nearly every aspect of modern life now takes place in filtered, isolated corners of cyberspace — a space that has slowly subsumed our physical habitats, replacing or transforming the office, our local library, a favorite bar, the movie theater, and the coffee shop where people met one another’s gaze from across the room. Even as we’ve gained the ability to gather without leaving our house, many of the fundamentally human experiences that have sustained us have disappeared.

In adapted excerpts from the book, Paul covers filing cabinetsbad photos, and a list of things like privacy, cursive, and the ability to ignore people.

Plant-based burgers and other alternative foods have a significantly higher salt content than their meat equivalents, according to a study.

Scientists found that more than three quarters of the meat-free items they analysed failed to meet the government’s salt reduction target of 1.19g per 100g.

Vegan and vegetarian meals have far more salt than meat versions

       (Another) best mysteries list 

       Of lists there can never be enough, and while it is now the season for best-of-the-year lists there are also some all-timers popping up -- so at Parade, where Michael Giltz offers Want to Crack the Case ? These Are The 101 Best Mystery Books of All Time
       I fail to understand the decision -- frequently found on lists like this -- to: "sticking to one title per author". It's a list of best books; who the author is is irrelevant; if the author is a true master, why shouldn't they be represented by more than one title ? (Granted, in the mystery genre, one title is (far too) often sufficient to sum up an author's output -- as suggested here also by the many first-in-a-series selections --, but there are certainly exceptions.) 
       (The failure of this 'system' is evident here in the selection of The Strange Case of Peter the Lett (since re-translated as Pietr the Latvian), which is a good Maigret (but more conspicuously, the first Maigret ...) but pales compared to some of Simenon's others -- not to mention the best of his romans durs.) 

Man Convicted Of Raping Author Alice Sebold Is Exonerated

The author of The Lovely Bones wrote about her rape in her 1999 memoir, Lucky, which was in the process of being made into a movie - but the original producer's own research led to Anthony Broadwater's exoneration. - Los Angeles Times (AP)