
Monday, June 29, 2020

Coronavirus Resource: How your agency is reopening

Deadly snakes, exotic animals seized in Sydney houses after police raids

To help you and your families better understand COVID-19—and learn how to protect yourselves—National Geographic is providing free access to a selection of coronavirus stories.”

Coronavirus Traces Found in March 2019 Sewage Sample, Spanish Study Shows New York Times

The Soviet Vaccine Strategy That Could Be a Coronavirus WeaponPopular Mechanics 

Federal News Network: “Everything we know so far is collected on this page, which will be updated as additional information, updates and resources become available. We’re also collecting agency reopening plans. Send us updates about what your agency is doing to prepare for the possible reopening of your offices, facilities and workspaces using our website comment tool…”

Federal News Network: “The Office of Personnel Management has a plan to help certain federal employees, whose essential services are needed to respond to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, hold on to the annual leave they’d otherwise have to forfeit at the end of the year. Recent guidance from OPM described the agency’s intent to issue new regulations on the topic. The forthcoming regulations will deem the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as an “exigency of the public business” for the purposes of restoring forfeited annual leave. Specifically, the regulations will allow employees who have annual leave balances that exceed the usual statutory carryover limit to “schedule” that excess leave and therefore, have it restored…”

Blockscan: The Search Engine for a Decentralized Web - Medium: “Accessing decentralized, uncensorable websites has long been touted as one of the potential uses for Ethereum. In recent years, projects such as ENS and Unstoppable Domains have made large strides in this area. Users are now able to access these sites by simply entering human-readable names instead of long-winded IPFS hashes. One challenge remains: users of such sites lack easy ways of discovery. Imagine looking up a topic on the Internet. You wouldn’t need to type an exact URL. Your browser’s native search engine picks out countless suggestions for any particular search item you look for. The same cannot be said of decentralized websites, where even entering exact URLs may not get you to the website you want on mainstream browsers. Enter Blockscan. The team at Blockscan have for years focused on making decentralized information accessible to end users. With Etherscan and other explorers, we made this possible for blockchains. We now make our foray into the same for decentralized websites. This version is a first iteration starting with 3 popular blockchain domains: .eth, .crypto, and .zil. It comes with a directory of 150 known websites for users to explore…”

5 Facts BBC’s “The Salisbury Poisonings” Forgot to Mention Off Guardian

Exclusive: British army sent unqualified investigators to Iraq where troops ‘got away with murder’, veterans sayDeclassified UK

TPB, FPA forge inaugural partnership - The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and Financial Planning Association (FPA) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for greater information exchange.

TPB signals new regulatory approach with ‘first of its kind’ agreement