
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

The New (Temporary) Great Depression: What motivates us at work

“I am the ghost of everything we lost. I speak, but no one hears

“I am going to reveal something which you suspect [your Honour], something which you don’t want to admit and which torments you in secret…You are afraid of yourself, of a certain frenzy which might take possession of you… We are almost identical men, your Honour…and I acted with premeditation, in full consciousness of my act.”

 Fury and fear, these are the fuels that drive me, mixed in equal measure: fury at being what I am not, fear of being found out for what I am. If, one day, one or other of these forces should run out, the violent equilibrium sustaining me will fail and I shall collapse, or fly off helplessly–like a slipped balloon.”
–Axel Vander

How true crime shows are impacting the justice system
Trial by TV is criticised by some, but others insist it has the potential to overturn miscarriages of justice that would otherwise go unchallenged  
How true crime shows are impacting the justice system  

WFH is great for work-life balance. It increases ownership and performance. It trains people to be focused and disciplined. I look forward to seeing the productive benefits of trust and empowerment.

Everyone’s situation is different in terms of home environment, personality and habits. My advice is to ignore any tips that clash with your personal beliefs. Tailor the most effective way of working for you and keep practicing until it becomes part of a lifestyle or culture.

Once a new way of working has been established all over the world, it might be hard to go back to the old ways.
Black Raven: How to Work From Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: My Personal Tips

Auden was filthy, strewing old food, cigarettes, and martini glasses everywhere. Such squalor, he protested, was necessary for a man of letters  

Trial by TV is criticised by some, but others insist it has the potential to overturn miscarriages of justice that would otherwise go unchallenged

VPN use surges as coronavirus outbreak prompts huge rise in remote working 

  This is the conversation we aren’t having right now. I can’t stop thinking about the people who are suffering. The ones who will fall into terrible mental illness spirals that they can’t easily escape from. The ones who may commit suicide. Will there be more deaths from suicide than from Coronavirus? I have a feeling there will be. I had to talk at least one friend off the ledge because she doesn’t know how she’ll pay rent next month. And I sent her money, knowing it wasn’t enough and knowing it was more than I should have given. But what the hell else was I supposed to do?
The New (Temporary) Great Depression