
Saturday, January 04, 2020

Global Apathy Toward the Fires in Australia Is a Scary Portent for the Future

Australian players stand with SCG crowd to thank firefighters

In any other Sydney Test match the most sustained and powerful period of applause will tend to be for a century or another milestone. This year it happened before a ball was bowled.

South Australian woman Rose Fletcher took the amazing photo (pictured) of the rising sun seemingly to re-creating the Aboriginal flag

South Australian woman Rose Fletcher took the amazing photo (pictured) of the rising sun seemingly to re-creating the Aboriginal flag

Another Facebook user, Aleisha Maddock, wrote: "Celeste and Api, I do so admire the tenacity and passion that you are bringing to this and rallying people to care ... something that is severely lacking from our government."

NSW fires likened to 'atomic bomb', Sydney records hottest day on record

Authorities say at least 15 homes have been destroyed during a horror day — in which a new temperature record for the Sydney Basin was set — with fears of further "damage and destruction" before the night is over.

DAVID SOLOMON. Morrison mis-fires. Leadership or Photo Opportunities!

Since Scott Morrison declared, back in November, that this was not the time to be talking about climate change, people have been talking about nothing else but the fires, and climate change, and Scott Morrison’s attempts to pretend (or pray) them out of existence. But in the past week or so its all gone wrong for him, through his own deeds and his own words. With just a little help from his political alliesContinue reading 

'Inexcusable': Emergency services minister says sorry for European holiday

David Elliott has issued an apology for failing to put his "RFS family first" in the midst of a disastrous fire season.

EVAN JONES.- Fires. Are they Australia’s Potemkin Moment?

The French economist and social critic Frédéric Lordon recently penned an article on his blog at Le Monde Diplomatique titled “The Potemkin Moment”. Continue reading 

“Lamentable”, “reckless”, “a regrettable lack of leadership from Prime Minister Scott Morrison”. Australia is in trouble; and that’s the way it’s seen even in Syria, Venezuela, Somalia and Bolivia. The world is looking on with dismay as Australia burns. Alan Austin reports on the global response to the devastating bushfires.
Syria News has just reported that three more bushfire deaths this week bring the toll to twelve. “New fires erupt almost daily”, the report stated. “The fires that broke out months ago have destroyed more than ten million acres.”
Destruction and climate denial — Australia’s bushfires seen from abroad

It was bound to happen …

Culture In Which All Truth Is Relative Suddenly Concerned About Fake News | The Babylon Bee

US confirms it assassinated Iranian military chief Qassem Soleimani

Soleimani’s killing will be seen as a declaration of war

  • by Shahram Akbarzadeh

Global Apathy Toward the Fires in Australia Is a Scary Portent for the Future - New York Magazine Intelligencer: “Right now, on the outskirts of a hyper modern first world megapolis, at the end of a year in which the public seemed finally to wake up to the dramatic threat from global warming, a climate disaster of unimaginable horror has been unfolding for almost two full months, and the rest of the world is hardly paying attention. The New South Wales fires have been burning since September, destroyingfifteen million acres (or more than two thousand square miles) and remain almost entirely uncontrolled by the volunteer firefighting forces deployed to stop them; on November 12, greater Sydney declared an unprecedented “catastrophic” fire warning. That was six weeks ago, and the blazes are almost certain to continue burning through the end of next month, the soonest real rain might arrive. They may last longer still, of course, aided in part by record-breaking heat waves that are simultaneously punishing the country (technically an entire continent, Australia as a whole averaged more than 100 Fahrenheit earlier this month) and devastating marine life in the surrounding ocean. “On land, Australia’s rising heat is ‘apocalyptic,” the Straits-Times of Singaporewrote. “In the ocean, it’s even worse.”…

Pete Buttigieg wants to decriminalize possession and use of ALL drugs including ecstasy, coke and meth as he says the harsh criminal justice system has worsened what is a ‘public health problem Daily Mail

A special Poynter Report: The year in media

It’s 2020 and you’re in the futureWait But Why – “It’s finally the 2020s. After 20 years of not being able to refer to the decade we’re in, we’re all finally free—in the clear for the next 80 years until 2100, at which point I assume AGI will have figured out what to call the two decades between 2100 and 2120. We now live in the 20s! It’s exciting. “The twenties” is super legit-sounding, and it’s so old school. The 40s are old. The 30s even more so. But nothing is older school than the Roaring 20s. We’re now in charge of making this a cool decade so when people 100 years from now are thinking about how incredibly old-timey the 2020s were, it’s old-timey in a cool appealing way and not a boring shitty way. It’s also weird that to us, the 2020s sounds like such a rad futuristic decade—and that’s how the 1920s seemed to people 100 years ago today. They were all used to the 19-teens, and suddenly they were like, “whoa cool we’re in the twenties!” Then they got upset thinking about how much farther along in life their 1910 self thought they’d be by 1920. In any case, it’s a perfect time for one of those “shit we’re old” posts. So here are some New Years 2020 time facts…”