
Thursday, October 03, 2019

Satans Brew Coffee" Wake Up and smell the coffee

To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.

NOT such a nice guy … once you get to know him: Leninthink by Gary Saul Morson | The New Criterion.
Lenin constantly recommended that people be shot “without pity” or “exterminated mercilessly” (Leszek Kołakowski wondered wryly what it would mean to exterminate people mercifully). “Exterminate” is a term used for vermin, and, long before the Nazis described Jews as Ungeziefer (vermin), Lenin routinely called for “the cleansing of Russia’s soil of all harmful insects, of scoundrels, fleas, bedbugs—the rich, and so on.”

… When did Robert de Niro become such a douchebag? | Spectator USA.I will never let the fact that Robert de Niro the person is apparently an asshole interfere with my admiration of his work as an actor. But I do wish he would glom on to some insight and realize that it is only his acting that is of interest to most of us. His pontifications. — which tend to come to strings of obscenities — are rather insubstantial, to put it mildly. Go home, Bob. Chill out. Trust me. I will never bother you with my anarchism.

The red flags alerting more markers to cheating at universities

Only one per cent of university students are caught cheating, even though as many as 10 per cent are paying other people to write their essays and assignments.

Why Some Aussies Will Spend $500 On One Kilo Of Coffee
10 daily

Australian International Coffee Awards - Take home gold!