
Friday, October 04, 2019

Broken Realities of Life

When I see a paragraph shrinking under my eyes like a strip of bacon in a skillet, I know I'm on the right track.

Peter De Vries, who died  in 1993

Year of the Monkey: Patti Smith on Dreams, Loss, Love, and Mending the Broken Realities of Life

“One cannot ask for a life, or two lives. One can only warrant the hope of an increasing potency in each man’s heart

… Eat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Now Some Believe That Was Bad Advice. - The New York is Times.

Banksy's 'Devolved Parliament' painting sells for record $18 million

After a 13-minute battle, the estimated selling price set by auctioneers Sotheby's had been surpassed – and then some.

Develop Your Skills to Help Others Develop Theirs

Sort of like Jordan B Petersons 12 rules for life

One of which is put your own house in order first, before you start criticising others  (via BC)

Philosopher Awarded £977K Grant for “Mindreading”

Philosopher Richard Moore, who will be moving to Warwick University from The Berlin School of Mind and Brain at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin next year, has been awarded a £977,000 (roughly $1,200,000) grant from the UK government to fund a project on “mindreading.” (more…)

Revealed: anti-terror center helped police track environmental activists Guardian

THE PIA REVIEW: Pia Andrews presents a series on bettering public sectors that will run daily throughout October. Today: It’s the job of government to abstract the complexities of governance for better citizen engagement and services.
TRANSPARENCY: Mark Speakman launched NSW’s Right to Know Week 2019 at Public Sector Leaders’ Symposium on Wednesday.
Great apes use self-experience to anticipate an agent’s action in a false-belief test PNAS. Lambert: “They have a ‘theory of mind'”.

A single tea bag can leak billions of pieces of microplastic into your brew

Thousands of Ships Fitted With ‘Cheat Devices’ To Divert Poisonous Pollution Into Sea Independent  

Books have long been pronounced dead. The cause? Newspapers, screens, “telephonic sermons,” “crystomatrices.” And yet books endure

BOOK REVIEW: It’s a classic tale of villains, victims, and heroes. Greedy bankers, brainwashed salespeople, exploited innocents, and a brave few who broke away to flip the Monopoly board off the table. And where was ASIC?