
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

If Computers Are So Smart, How Come They Can’t Read?

If Computers Are So Smart, How Come They Can’t Read? - Wired – Deep learning excels at learning statistical correlations, but lacks robust ways of understanding how the meanings of sentences relate to their parts. “…drill down into tools like Google Talk to Books (GTB) and you quickly realize we are nowhere near genuine machine reading yet. When we asked GTB, “Where did Harry Potter meet Hermione Granger?” only six of the 20 answers were even about Harry Potter; most of the rest were about other people named Harry or on completely unrelated topics. Only one mentioned Hermione, and none answered the question. When we asked GTB, “Who was the oldest Supreme Court justice in 1980?” we got another fail. Any reasonably bright human could go to Wikipedia’s list of Supreme Court justices and figure out that it was William Brennan. Google Talk to Books couldn’t; no sentence in any book that it had digested spelled out the answer in full, and it had no way to make inferences beyond what was directly spelled out.

Girl dies from rare brain-eating amoeba after swimming in US river

A child described as a "sweet and sassy" 10-year-old dies from a brain infection after an amoeba enters her nose during a swim in a Texas river.