
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

77th PM: Boris Johnson 66.66% of the vote

via Roger McGough…
“I wanna be the leader,
I wanna be the leader,
Can I be the leader?
Can I? I can?
Promise? Promise?
Yippee, I’m the leader
I’m the leader
OK, what shall we do?”

Live: Boris Johnson to be UK’s next prime minister BBC. Assume the brace position ;-)

    Boris Johnson wins Conservative Party leadership and will become ...

    ABC Local‎
    Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London, will become the UK's next prime minister after winning the ...

    Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man: A Profile of Boris Johnson - Quillette.
    In Boris … it was as if I’d finally encountered the ‘real’ Oxford, the Platonic ideal. While the rest of us were works-in-progress, vainly trying on different personae, Boris was the finished article. He was an instantly recognizable character from the comic tradition in English letters: a pantomime toff. 
    He was Sir Toby Belch in Twelfth Night demanding more cakes and ale, Bertie Wooster trying to pass himself off as Eustace H. Plimsoll when appearing in court after overdoing it on Boat Race night. Yet at the same time fizzing with vim and vinegar—“bursting with spunk,” as he once put it, explaining why he needs so many different female partners. He was a cross between Hugh Grant and a silverback gorilla.

    Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London, will become the UK's next prime minister after winning the Conservative Party leadership ballot.

    Key points:

    • Tory rank-and-file party members have picked Boris Johnson as their new leader
    • The former mayor of London will tell the Queen he can form government tomorrow
    • He inherits from Theresa May a political crisis over how to withdraw the UK from the EU

    He beat rival Jeremy Hunt with 66 per cent of the vote.

    The result of the leadership contest was announced at a party meeting in London with Mr Johnson and Mr Hunt sitting in the front row.

    Mr Johnson thanked his "formidable opponent," and joked that he plans to now steal Mr Hunt's "excellent ideas" when he becomes prime minister.

    He promised his audience he would deliver on his campaign mantra: "Deliver Brexit, unite the country and defeat [Opposition Leader] Jeremy Corbyn."
    Pointing out that this spelled "DUD," he said that he would add "energise" to his slogan.
    "I say to all the doubters: DUDE, we are going to energise the country!" Mr Johnson said to laughs and groans in the crowd.

    Politicians of all other parties* need to rise to the challenge of Johnson 

    Boris Johnson is to be prime minister. And there are rumours that Iain Duncan-Smith and Priti Patel are to return to Cabinet. It is easy to think that nothing good can come from this. 
    At one level that is true. I suspect, very strongly that nothing good will come from this, directly. 
    And yet, there has always to be a turning point when people realise that all that was can be no more and that change is essential. Too often things have had to reach a dire state for that to happen. Whilst I would never have chosen the situation in which we find ourselves, maybe this government that will be without talent, vision or concern is what is required to precipitate that change.
    That does, however, require more than hope. Change requires that all opposition parties have courage and go for what they want now. 
    Labour must offer a true vision of reform, and solve its internal divisions, whatever their cause.
    Nationalists can no longer dither.
    Greens must be unambiguous about what is required to save life on earth.
    And in the face of populism Liberals must reiterate their values.
    The next prime minister will be Boris Johnson. What now? Our panel ... The Guardian
    Boris Johnson to Become UK Prime Minister After Winning Party ... Wall Street Journal (blog)
    UK leadership ballot LIVE: Boris Johnson succeeds Theresa May to ... The Sydney Morning Herald 
    The Australian Financial Review - Vox

    ABC Local

    How social media echo chambers fuelled the rise of BorisJohnson

    The Guardian‎ 
    Those who blather on about being 'woke' do so in ever smaller circles. The results of this will confront ... 

    The Guardian

    Flash forward to Boris Britain‎ 
    This is the 10th anniversary of our departure from the EU and the 11th year of Prime Minister Boris ...

    Could the pound crash to $1? A 'Boris Brexit' might make it happen

    With Boris Johnson set to succeed Theresa May as British prime minister on Wednesday, it's a ...


    From Boris and Hunt's 'mud-wrestle fight' to Amber Rudd on Love ...

    The Sun‎ 
    THE Tory leadership race is set to finally come to an end this morning after weeks of fun, and Boris ...

    The power of incompetence gives us new hope!

    Boris Johnson Prime Minister First Interview

    We’ve not yet changed the text on this photo in the gallery of alumni by the loos in our office.