
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Cownose Rays: Your most sensitive data is likely exposed online

Via Bondi Iceberg two species of Cownose Rays found in Australian waters, but it is rare to see them in this area.
“We haven’t seen this before,” the post read.
“Apparently they don’t come down as par as this so I’m assuming it’s the warmer water we have had recently.”
Social media users were amazed by the footage.
“Phenomenal!! Beautiful nature at its best,” one person wrote.
“I’ve never seen anything like that! Beautiful,” another wrote.
One added: ” Amazing capturing all of this aerial footage that would normally pass us by.”
Crownose rays at Bondi

Giving workers a voice in the boardroom is a compelling corporate governance reform
The ALP Labor election platform says it will examine measures “including worker representation on boards, giving consideration to global models currently in operation and any practical pathways that could lead to their adoption”.  Worker representatives on company boards are also on the agenda in other parts of the English-speaking world. For example, in the U.S., Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is pushing for companies with a turnover of more than US$1 billion to include worker representation on company boards.

John Paul Stevens looks back on nearly a century of life and law but worries about the future

Washington Post – “John Paul Stevens spent more than a third of his near-century on Earth at the Supreme Court, where he often was on a different page from a majority of his fellow justices. “It happens so often that you have to get used to losing,” Stevens, 99, said during an interview this last week at his condominium here, just steps from the Atlantic Ocean. “My batting average was probably pretty low.” But one particular loss lingers and, Stevens says, brings grim reminders almost weekly: the court’s 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the Second Amendment protects a right to individual gun ownership unrelated to possible military service. “Unquestionably the most clearly incorrect decision that the Court announced during my tenure on the bench,” Stevens writes in his new memoir, “The Making of a Justice.” Heller and the Second Amendment, Stevens said in the interview, produce “such disastrous practical effects. I think there’s no need for all the guns we have in the country and if I could get rid of one thing it would be to get rid of that whole gun climate.”
…His 531-page book, to be published Tuesday, details the life and career of a World War II Navy code-breaker from a solidly Republican family, nominated to the federal bench by one GOP president (Richard M. Nixon) and elevated to the Supreme Court by another (Gerald R. Ford) who retired in 2010 as the court’s most outspoken liberal. Although, Stevens believes the court changed more than he did…”

Your most sensitive data is likely exposed online.

These people try to find it. - c/net: “Justin Paine sits in a pub in Oakland, California, searching the internet for your most sensitive data. It doesn’t take him long to find a promising lead. On his laptop, he opens Shodan, a searchable index of cloud servers and other internet-connected devices. Then he types the keyword “Kibana,” which reveals more than 15,000 databases stored online. Paine starts digging through the results, a plate of chicken tenders and fries growing cold next to him. “This one’s from Russia. This one’s from China,” Paine said. “This one is just wide open.”
From there, Paine can sift through each database and check its contents. One database appears to have information about hotel room service. If he keeps looking deeper, he might find credit card or passport numbers. That isn’t far-fetched. In the past, he’s found databases containing patient information from drug addiction treatment centers, as well as library borrowing records and online gambling transactions. Paine is part of an informal army of web researchers who indulge an obscure passion: scouring the internet for unsecured databases. The databases — unencrypted and in plain sight — can contain all sorts of sensitive information, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, bank details, Social Security numbers and medical diagnoses. In the wrong hands, the data could be exploited for fraud, identity theft or blackmail. The data-hunting community is both eclectic and global. Some of its members are professional security experts, others are hobbyists. Some are advanced programmers, others can’t write a line of code. They’re in Ukraine, Israel, Australia, the US and just about any country you name. They share a common purpose: spurring database owners to lock down your info.