
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Political Spinster: Helen Razor

The Invisible Hand is Goosing Me
You don't have to be a Marxist spinster on the friendless brink of bankruptcy to think that the market might need a little slap once or twice a century. You'd have to be pretty rusted-on to the promise of the Australian Lannister Party to find any hope inside this Albo, a neoliberal bag of nuts.

There is a magical conviction and precisely no proof that a market finds its moral balance. It's just ***ing beyondo to claim that some sort of natural and ethical balance is achieved by a system of purchase and sale. It's denialism of the most extreme order to claim that The Market whose belching has, we are agreed, produced the conditions for catastrophe should just be left alone to regulate itself, to somehow upchuck a miraculous cure for the colossal disease it invented.
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