
Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Heroic Trailblazers of Real Note

NYT obtained 10 yrs of previously unrevealed figures from Trump’s federal income-tax returns – 1985 to 1994

“The New York Times has obtained 10 years of previously unrevealed figures from Donald Trump’s federal income-tax returns – from 1985 to 1994. Trump ran up $1.2 billion in core business losses in the decade we examined…”
  • Donald J. Trump was propelled to the presidency, in part, by a self-spun narrative of business success and of setbacks triumphantly overcome.
  • But 10 years of tax information, from 1985 to 1994, obtained by The Times paints a far bleaker picture of his financial condition.

"If we’re not free to articulate our religious beliefs and quote from the Bible, and if we’re not free to speak for fear that someone affects ... hurt or is part of the offence industry, if that’s where we’ve reached in this country, we’ve reached a dark place and we are all at risk"

Kadeem and Savannah Noray, graduate students at Harvard, economics and HKS, general support and also to study how to identify undervalued, high potential K-12 students.

José Luis Ricón, for blogging and to develop further platforms for information dissemination. 
Arun Johnson, high school student in the Bay Area, to advance his work in physics, chemistry, nuclear fusion, and for general career development.
Thomas McCarthy, undergraduate at Dublin, Trinity College, travel grant to the Bay Area, and for his work on nuclear fusion and running start-up programs to cultivate young Irish entrepreneurs.
Natalya Naumenko, economist, incoming faculty at George Mason University, to study the long-term impact of nuclear explosions on health, and also more broadly to study the history of health in the Soviet Union and afterwards.  
Paul Novosad, with Sam Asher, assistant professor at Dartmouth, to enable the construction of a scalable platform for the integration and dissemination of socioeconomic data in India, ideally to cover every town and village, toward the end of informing actionable improvements.
Alexey Guzey, travel grant to the Bay Area, for blogging and internet writing, plus for working on systems for improving scientific patronage.
Dylan DelliSanti, to teach an economics class to prisoners, and also to explore how that activity might be done on a larger scale.
Neil Deshmukh, high school student in Pennsylvania, for general career support and also his work with apps to help Indian farmers identify crop disease and to help the blind interpret images.
Here is my previous post on the third cohort of winners, with links to the first and second cohorts.  Here is my post on the underlying philosophy behind Emergent Ventures.  You can apply here