
Monday, December 03, 2018

Tech giants offer empty apologies because users can’t quit

Prague's Upscale Pubs - Czech writers including Karel Capek, who invented fictional robot, once held court at Deminka, near Wenceslas Square...

Robot bartender unveiled in Prague

Forget the days of nursing a drink at the bar while pouring out your woes to the bartender.

New Research: Australia’s Immigration System Undercuts Workers

Drawing lessons from Australia’s immigration policies.

TechCrunch – ‘Sorry’ means nothing since so does ‘We’re deleting’
A true apology consists of a sincere acknowledgement of wrongdoing, a show of empathic remorse for why you wronged and the harm it caused and a promise of restitution by improving ones actions to make things right. Without the follow-through, saying sorry isn’t an apology, it’s a hollow ploy for forgiveness. That’s the kind of “sorry” we’re getting from tech giants — an attempt to quell bad PR and placate the afflicted, often without the systemic change necessary to prevent repeated problems. Sometimes it’s delivered in a blog post


ACIC reveals $26 million wasted on dumped biometric project

The project was set to cost $94 million, but more than half of that wasn't spent when the program was dumped.

It's been more than three months since the Australian Taxation Office first warned of a sophisticated phone scam targeting taxpayers and the fight against impersonators continues as the value of losses hit $830,000  Last Month Alone.

At least three dept heads resign ahead of Victorian cabinet reshuffle
VICTORIA: There are whispers around the VPS about machinery of government changes, and plenty of rumours about who’s moving where.

National Integrity Commission architect: A-G's fears overblown
AJ BROWN: The attorney-general is wrong to claim the rights of public servants, ABC journalists and others would be violated by the National Integrity Commission proposed in federal parliament this week.

Platforms, not projects, key to executing DTA's 'Vision 2025' strategy
DARRYL CARLTON: The DTA's role is to create a platform for digital transformation, not to promote individual projects. The projects belong to individual departments and agencies.

Public service charity cycle team cracks $280k in donations to Canberra disability service

Morrison’s authority deficit on show at home and abroad
MICHELLE GRATTAN: The Liberals are shellshocked and unnerved after the Victorian rout and both the fact and implications of Julia Banks' desertion.
Australian Energy Regulator to speak at Canberra conference
PARTNER EVENT: Hear Jim Cox’s keynote presentation on regulating in a changing & complex environment, and how to stay a step ahead. (Partner event)

Ethics of Digital Transformation: a new short course from ThinkPlace
The world of digital transformation can feel like a minefield. This one-day executive education course from ThinkPlace Global Chief Digital Officer, Darren Menachemson, will help you navigate it. (Partner link)