
Thursday, November 08, 2018

Michael Daley

Maroubra MP Michael Daley with wife Christina and children Olivia, Michael, Austin, Jake celebrating his election win.

Maroubra MP Michael Daley with wife Christina and children Olivia, Michael, Austin, Jake celebrating his election win.

The Australian Financial Review 

ABC journalist Ashleigh Raper claims Luke Foley inappropriately ...

AN ABC journalist has accused the NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley of inappropriately touching her during a Christmas function.
ABC journalist accuses NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley of ...

Luke Foley 'must resign': Michael Daley heads queue to replace Labor leader

 David Elliott silent as ABC journalist alleges 'political point scoring' in harassment allegations

Michael Daley Exclusive

The minister who raised the allegations in parliament has refused to be drawn on his role amid claims it was 'political point scoring'.

Nathan Rees, the former premier under whom Daley served as police and roads minister, is a big fan. “He’s an old-school politician,” says Rees.
“What you see is what you get with the bloke, and I think people will respond to that. He’s exactly the sort of politician who will take it right up to Gladys Berejiklian, who is floundering.”

WITH three of its four state MPs serving as leader of the NSW Labor Party, there must be something in the waters of Maroubra. 
That was the declaration from the state’s new Opposition Leader Michael Daley when he met the Southern Courier to discuss his elevation on Saturday to the head of the party.
Meeting up with Mr Daley at Yarra Bay, with his wife Christina and his children Austin and Olivia by his side, Mr Daley discussed having “the best job in the world”.
From humble beginnings working as a paperboy in the housing estates of South Maroubra, to leading Labor to the next state election in March next year, Mr Daley said he was a man of the “ordinary, working people

Google: Coverage 

Maroubra MP Michael Daley has secured an extension of the lease on the Malabar RSL. Picture: Craig Wilson

Michael John Daley (born 1 November 1965), an Australian politician, is a member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly