
Friday, June 15, 2018

Wynyard to North Shores: Every Absurd Latitude Story is a Prayer

Good conversation is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after...
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh, a confessed insomniac 

Only in Sydney - A Welcoming Home Like No Other at 1 Tupper Street Enmore NSW 2042 

Ambient Federation home on family friendly 417sqm circa 1903

SMALL DRAGONISH BLOG, BIG AMBITIONS: They're not mutually exclusive — and Poynter's Kristen Hare offers examples.
Punj of Five Rivers

Subway Haiku
Five times doors open
And five times they quickly shut
The Speaker crackles
Crossroads of the world
Four languages on my bench
Train to JFK
Many tired folks,
Long hours and they can’t rest yet,
“start spreadin’ the news”
Every type of eyes:
Closed, squinting, staring, empty,
Downcast, roving, hard
Dude: Yankees’ cap,
Whitest sneakers known to man,
Brand names head to toe
“No way” says a kid,
Mom grabs his DS away,
He stares silently.
Man wears a kuf,
On his neck: Star of David,
Eating some pork rinds
Man in uniform,
Knows how important he is,
And now you do, too
Women gently sleep,
The train lurches to a stop,
They ain’t sleeping now.
Girl sings for herself
Headphones keep the beat for her,
Or maybe they don’t…
No one can figure
Where the smell is coming from
They know it’s bad, though
I keep thinking that
I dropped something earlier
Checking my pockets
Man that perfume is
Really strong, I hope I can
Still hold back the sneeze
Dude brought his bike on,
Somebody eating baked fish
Am I like that? Yup.
Cobwebs in his wheels,
Guy looks around nervously,
“You allergic to fish ?”
Pinstripe suit fingers phone
Taps his loafer to unheard beat
Eyes cut down and right
Delayed? “Because of
train traffic ahead” but it’s
One AM, no joke!
We stop, motor hums,
A distant voice mumbles words
We lurch off again
Door sound: major third
Train rolls out: minor seventh
Wheels squeal: I go deaf
Tall Kid slumps forward
Black backpack and white t-shirt
Head resting on arms
Ironic facial hair
well trimmed, Hipster grooves and reads
Trust’s quarterly report
Hand drawn sign, A train:
The doors stay open
Damp Hot air and chilly meet,
With a snap, heat gone
A big man splays out
Old shoes untied and filthy
They all give him space
Another big man laughs
Stern Church lady calls him out
He says ” yeh, I’m wrong”
Yellow shirt lady
Blue hair, with purple Mohawk
Wipes hard at a stain
Underneath, her gut
Is fully tatted and round,
The shirt clings tightly
Nappers and rappers
Prayers, readers, or just lost,
Directions included
Station by station,
Nonchalant roll call of names,
We grind toward my stop
Almost there, you’d think
I would be sleepy by now,
Can’t sleep on the train
It Took long enough,
Finally arrived where they
Always said to go.

Working for you is an honor, working without you is an absolute horror. Working under you is a pleasure, an experience that I will truly treasure. Thanks boss.  

The Defeat of Reason

*Corner of Coles: How to lose weight: Best bread, meat, yoghurt choices at the supermarket
ON THE surface, these foods all look pretty similar, but choosing one over the other will make a big difference. Here are the products to avoid - and the ones you ...

US HAPPINESS - DOWN DOWN DOWN: That's circulation, revenue and employment for U.S. newspapers. Poynter's Kristen Hare explains.

A RELIGION?: “I believe that every story is a prayer,” Dustin Dwyer writes in Nieman Reports. Dwyer says he supplanted organized faith for journalism in his 20s, and, in broad strokes, was a convert to journalism, which he calls an act of faith. My $.02: Like science or law, journalism can be encompassing, a ticket to a lifetime of intellectual rigor. But for many journalists, it’s not an “either-or” — a strong religious faith is still vital to their being, as is the drive to hold officials accountable or to dig up facts to help an audience have the tools to live a better life. Readers, I’d love to hear your views on this. Write me at