
Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Autumn Blogging Headlines: Ides of March

History is herstory (Bessie's Story), too! 

Pet dog taken by shark at Kurnell off-leash beach

'Maori mythology is very rich. All the narratives are multi-layered, complex, extraordinary and transcendent. They occupy a place between the real and the unreal, the natural and the super-natural - the world you can believe in and the world you are told not to believe in...'

Witi Ihimaera The Whale Rider ~ Extract from Author Notes

German secret service spied on journalists at the BBC, The New York Times and Reuters for more than a DECADE

Why a toxic workplace is now a much bigger liability for companies Washington Post. Doesn’t seem to have hurt Amazon…
This visualization work NY Times frontages from 1852 is by Josh Begley – Music by Phillip Glass

Melissa Browne is CEO of Accounting and Taxation Advantage and author of Fabulous but Broke:
The Tax Office might be reading your social media
From ForbesWho invented the term "fake news"? From the Daily Beast: Why did everyone co-opt it? From First Draft: Can't we just call it something else?

The idea of intelligence has justified slavery, oppression, eugenics. No wonder the prospect of artificial intelligence fills us with  Dread 

Lets lock an entire generation of Australians out of the property market YES Mminister

Newspapers have absurd slogans. So of course we made a list of them

CRS Reports & Analysis Legal Sidebar – The Law and Leaks to the Press, 02/22/2017: “President Trump has expressed concern over leaks to the press from within the Executive Branch. Earlier administrations, particularly the ObamaAdministration, acted upon similar concerns to prosecute officials, employees, and contractors who leaked classified information or certain military information to the press. Officers and employees may also be subject to disciplinary action for leaks regardless of the nature of the information. However, they may claim some relief from disciplinary action under the whistleblower protection provisions. Few, if any, journalists have been prosecuted to date, but they may end up in jail for refusing to divulge their sources to a grand jury investigating a leak…”
4 guidelines for writing SEO-friendly headlines

John Boik, who has a PhD in biomedical sciences from the University of Texas, Health Sciences Center, Houston and has completed postdoctoral work at Stanford University, in the Department of Statistics. He is the author of the book Economic Direct Democracy as well as other books and papers. Originally published at the Principled Societies Project website
An Economy of Meaning – or Bust 

“Soon, fact-checking will not only become part of your daily journalism mix, readers will come to expect it and soon be acting like the fact-checkers themselves on social media by sharing your links.” Rob Turnoe, "Why fake news can be a good thing," Editor & Publisher The idea of intelligence has justified slavery, oppression, eugenics. No wonder the prospect of artificial intelligence fills us with Dread 

Claudia Karvan on playing a 40-something with authority in
Newton's Law: it's light and sweet – but maybe that's what we need 
Newton's Law: Claudia Karvan lawyers up and laughs in new ABC

People who criticise Centrelink's debt recovery could have personal information released to 'correct the record'

Those who publicly criticise Centrelink's automated debt recovery program could have their personal information released to correct the record, the Department of Human Services (DHS) has warned

YouTube viewers watch more than 1 billion hours a day

Deteriorating – the losses from GFC will be long-lived Bill Mitchell. Lengthy but not prolix (not always the case with Mitchell). Well worth a read!

Slovak folk dance ♥ Wonderful! Slovakia Lúčnica, Dance Slovakia, Group Slovakia, Czech Moravia Slovakia, Europe Slovakia, Dance Folk, Folk Dancing, Dance Dance Dance, Let S Dance"

How to mentor a perfectionist. "Rather than a recipe for success, perfectionism is a 'script for self-defeat,' says psychiatrist David Burns. In their quest to avoid mistakes, perfectionists stifle their creativity and avoid taking necessary risks. Self-critical perfectionists are significantly more likely to suffer from symptoms of depression (guilt, anger, sadness, low energy, lack of pleasure), anxiety, hopelessness, and even suicidal thinking." (How to mentor a perfectionist)

Are We Spoiling Our Kids with Too Much Praise? JSTOR Daily

You know that time you stumbled upon a missile launcher on your way to work? Okay, maybe that didn't happen and never will, but please read how some serious fact-checkers investigated such a situation. It's like CSI, MacGyver and Sherlock Holmes all rolled into one excellent package. 

For a Society without Jobs Dissident Voice

In Sweden, citizens run the official @sweden Twitter account. And one of those citizens, a 22-year-old who's on duty this week, is working overtime debunking myths and using fact to assure people that "We're ok."  

La Chistera, on Spain's El Confidencial, now has a "correct me" button that reveals the facts behind the claims. 

Poynter's NewsU will be hosting back-to-back fact-checking webinars on March 24. Craig Silverman of BuzzFeed, who did much to expose the reach of fake news in 2016, will be sharing his tips at 3 p.m. U.S. Eastern time.  At 1.30 p.m. the same day, Brooke Borel, author of the Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking, will talk about pre-publication fact-checking

Merchants of fakery in the "city of fake news" apparently are now using some odd Facebook posts to increase the reach of their fake-news business, the BBC reports

(1) The Irish Parliament loves "alternative facts." "Fact-checking," not so much. (2) It isn't just Donald Trump misusing the term "fake news." (3) The Washington Post's Chris Cilizza hosts two fact-checkers on his podcast. (4) The Conversation explains how it fact-checks in 60 seconds. (5) The founder of "South African First" party shared "wildly incorrect" immigration numbers. (6) An update on "Share the Facts." (7) Hollywood apologizes for an ill-timed, tone-deaf ad campaign. (8) Using a "phenomenally biased poll" as a lesson, NPR offers some tips in poll analysis. (9) Watch what happens when a TV station asks three viewers to fact-check the "news." (10) Watch an interview with Wikimedia Foundation's executive director, who talks about "the power of open-source. (11) Last week's fact-checking day shout-out had a broken link. Sorry. Here's the right one

 A.T.F. Filled Secret Bank Account With Millions From Shadowy Cigarette Sales. “Working from an office suite behind a Burger King in southern Virginia, operatives used a web of shadowy cigarette sales to funnel tens of millions of dollars into a secret bank account. They weren’t known smugglers, but rather agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The operation, not authorized under Justice Department rules, gave agents an off-the-books way to finance undercover investigations and pay informants without the usual cumbersome paperwork and close oversight, according to court records and people close to the operation.”
Laws and rules are for the little people.