
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dear Data and Analytics “statistically significant”

Ours is an excessively conscious age. We know so much, we feel so little...

Barack Obama’s campaign adopted data but Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been molded by data from birth. Politico has the remarkable story:

Staff in Clinton’s analytics department sit under a sign that hangs from the ceiling with the words “statistically significant” printed on it. And overnight, in some of the few hours that headquarters isn’t whirring with activity, the team’s computers run 400,000 simulations of the fall campaign in what amounts to a massive stress-test of the possibilities on Nov. 8.
The Citizen as ATM: A small Missouri city has become a legal testing ground for ticketing practices and court reform” [Carla Main, City Journal]

 Andrew Sullivan: I Used To Be A Human Being

In this life, there are too many adventures and so little time to enjoy all of them. Not for you outlawish Ruby. You have always jumped in; head first, with so much fire and grit. Life’s an endless adventure for you... Happy Birthday to a champion who also admired Ali...

 After we defeat Ernie Terrell
He will get nothing, nothing but hell,
Terrell was big and ugly and tall
But when he fights me he is sure to fall.
If he criticize this poem by me and Miss Moore
To prove he is not the champ she will stop him in four,
He is claiming to be the real heavyweight champ
But when the fight starts he will look like a tramp
He has been talking too much about me and making me sore
After I am through with him he will not be able to challenge Mrs. Moore.

~ Poem by Late Boxer Ali and Poet Miss Moore

Feeling overwhelmed? Here’s how to conquer information overload:

As search engine algorithms evolve, sites that deliver quality content are often rewarded. This trend helps guide businesses because it means your customer experience and SEO are intertwined. If your product page attracts customers and nurtures them towards purchase, then you also benefit from an SEO perspective.  Think Outside the Search Engine Box 

DOJ Tax announced here another conviction related to an offshore account.  The title of the press release is:  "DOJ Tax Press Release, Connecticut Man Pleads Guilty to Concealing Income from Undeclared Panamanian Bank Account." US: Panama another plea to offshore account tax

Work locally act Globally:
Steve Dardo and Indonesia ...
Google faces sizeable back-tax bill from Indonesia

Meet the Most Innovative Facilitator: Tyson Fawcett...

The Impact Of Recent Developments In The Australian Transfer Pricing Rules On Transactions With Singapore
Social media touches almost everyone’s lives today, either directly or indirectly. You can love it, you can hate it — but you definitely can’t ignore it. Social media platforms have connected the world in a way that was almost unimaginable before. It has made the flow of information, thoughts and ideas seamless across the globe. The social media landscape, like any other hi-tech space, evolves rapidly and it is generally considered a “winner takes all” market. Consequently, we are likely to see the current market leaders consolidate their positions in the industry through acquisitions Social MEdia Dragons Facebook twitter google linkedin
The rise of the MEdia Dragon Superstars Economist

Today's tech titans are anything but trivial. Facebook, once a way to keep up with your friends, has evolved to be a dominant media platform for news and public opinion. Amazon has gone from dominating e-commerce to increasingly appearing like it will dominate commerce. Uber started out as a way for tech workers in San Francisco to hail black cars, but now aims to increase its market share for all ground transportation around the world. Backlash is brewing against the technology Giants Conor Sen is a portfolio manager for "New River Investments" in Atlanta
ATO’s push for data sharing among agencies stirs privacy fears

The $1.5 million tax-scam so clever it could be a movie

Trusts in challenging times...

The bizarre world of bitcoin ‘mining’ finds a new home in Tibet WaPo

‘Science Vs’ and the art of using humor to bust myths

The Cold War is over. The Cyber War has begun 

Reinforcement Learning for Torch: Introducing torch-twrl

‘Morning Joe’ hosts jump to a defense (their own)

Nearly three-quarters of Australian dragons use social media. On average, they’re spending the equivalent of half a day (12.5 hours) each week on Facebook alone. For many, it’s become more than a way to connect — it’s a habit.  Limiting social media to 15 minutes of virtual fame 

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction – SIGAR –Corruption in Conflict: Lessons from the U.S. Experience in Afghanistan September 2016: “is the first in a series of lessons learned reports planned to be issued by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)
Which body part hurts the most when stung by a bee?

Mecha Justice: When Machines Think Like Lawyers

Gilje, Erik, Do Firms Engage in Risk-Shifting? Empirical Evidence (September 9, 2016). Available for download at SSRN:  

Should you just stop worrying about your clutter

Fact-checkers around the world agree on shared code of principles 

Millions rely on cheap cloth masks that may provide little protection against deadly air pollution The Conversation 

How best to strategically recalibrate the public sector using the forces of disruption and imagination? Researchers in Australia and Canada look to lessons from the other system to bolster weaknesses at home… Imagination