
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Good Google and Smartest Entities

Google To Provide Free Internet For Public Housing Residents To All Fiber Markets Slashdot

Fish learn fear from their role models Science of Googling

This year, when the editors of MIT Technology Review began our annual search for the smartest companies, we did not have trouble finding big ideas. To make the list, a company must have truly innovative technology and a business model that is both practical and ambitious, with the result that it has set the agenda in its field over the past 12 months. No. 1, Tesla Motors, has added another audacious idea to go with its electric cars. In April, it announced it would be spinning off a line of batteries in service of a big goal: remaking the energy grid for industry, utilities, and residences. Of all the sectors we cover, biomedicine has had the biggest year. Companies have turned research breakthroughs, many powered by genomic analysis, into products that treat challenging diseases. Gilead Sciences, No. 15, sells the first pill that can cure most cases of hepatitis C. Bristol-Myers Squibb, No. 26, is selling an immunotherapy drug that is saving the lives of people with skin and lung cancer…” Nanette Byrnes
How Trees Calm Us Down The New Yorker

“People will be coming to your site to improve their lives, not just learn about yours. Always use the top space of your right sidebar to offer some kind of lead magnet. This means some kind of giveaway that entices people to give you their email address.”
Want to become a star blogger? Here's how to do it 

How Artificial Intelligence is Reinventing the Art of Influencing Human Behavior The Vital Edge

“In a lucky coincidence that would not look out of place in a Charles Dickens novel, an antiquarian book dealer has stumbled across what is believed to be Dickens’s own personally annotated copy of a literary periodical he edited.” Literary Hub calls it “the Rosetta Stone of Victorian studies.” Via The Guardian 

Picasso, Dostoyevsky, and Tolstoy had them, as did Leonardo da Vinci, Lenin, and Henry Luce. What did they have? Big brows ... like jozef imrich

In praise of boredom. Society worships multitasking, purposefulness, and returns on investment. Why bother with art or literature? Claire Messud explains... Praising Cold River ...

Front pages still matter

Part of my morning routine is to look for front pages. I check Newseum. I check Kiosko. I check the Twitter and Facebook feeds of places where news is happening, such as Kenya on Friday. Newspapers have had a tough time for awhile now, but when something big happens, we still share their front pages digitally. I saw them everywhere after Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson almost one year ago, after the murders at Charlie Hebdo in Paris in January and after the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage ruling last month. The (Charleston, South Carolina) Post and Courier’s Sunday front page after nine people were murdered was so powerful. So is the art that the (Fitchburg, Massachusetts) Sentinel and Enterprise has published since an artist took over its front page for 26 days. Read more

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It WIRED. Why, if I ever own a car, it will be as old and stupid a car as possible

Is Advertising Morally Justifiable? The Importance of Protecting Our Attention ABC 

This Food Blogger Dropped Out of School, Quit Her Job, and Chased Her Dream

How the Blitz sent Britain sex mad: New book reveals Hitler’s bid to bomb us into surrender had another startling effect via Google and Daily Terroe or Male

A former engineer says Intel has a ‘meritocracy’ problem Bloomberg

Here’s why we should stop using the term ‘millennial’ as an age group or generation Linkedin. Put down your coffee. 

Interview with Julian Assange: ‘We Are Drowning in Material’ Der Spiegel

A Wizard at Prying Government Secrets From the Government New York Times