
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Dangers of Intelligence without Creativity or Judgment

“Typically, we don’t judge leaders on the quality of
their questions, nor do we design our educational
systems or corporate training to develop this crucial
skill. If anything, we do the opposite. Television
game shows reward contestants who know answers
to preset questions — and usually very trivial questions
at that. Having encyclopedic knowledge may
win you a million dollars on a TV game show or
yield good grades in school, but it won’t necessarily
make you successful in today’s complex business
world. In changing environments, the big prizes go
to those who ask better questions and learn faster.
In organizations, this comes down to leaders teaching
and coaching others to think more strategically
and ask deeper questions. If you think like everyone
else, you are likely to be average. The best strategic
thinkers, leaders and entrepreneurs distinguish
themselves by how they frame decisions, the kinds
of questions they ask and their mode of inquiry.

The Dangers of Intelligence without Creativity or Judgment Ian Welsh. One minor quibble re Larry Summers: even though he is famed for his intelligence, having seen him in action, his reputation rests at least in part on his debating skills (and being a highly dominant personality). Despite economics’ fetishization of mathematics, it also prizes argumentation (without, as debaters would, giving demerits for tricks like straw manning and ad hominems, which Summers uses routinely).