
Monday, March 24, 2014

Lessons Learned

THE right to appoint a lawyer of choice has received an Important boost  after the nation’s workplace umpire found that the ­Australian Taxation Office was wrongly refused permission to be represented by a barrister. Solicitor or barrister, parties must be free to choose

-; Fair Work Commission

In her excellent book on the events and social movements leading up to the First World War, The War that Ended Peace, the noted historian Margaret Macmillan quoted Britain's soon-to-be King Edward's observation concerning the Kaiser's attitude to war and militarism: "William the Great needs to learn that he is living at the end of the nineteenth century and not in the Middle Ages." Just over one hundred years later, after two World Wars, and countless conflicts, Secretary of State John Kerry said of Vladimir Putin, "you just don't in the twenty-first century behave in nineteenth century fashion by invading another country." Some people never learn. Lessons from history