
Monday, September 09, 2013

Almost Maybe Living on Borrowed Time

"If the world were clear, art would not exist."
Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus

For the makers of Borrowed Time, the answer lay in going it alone. Convinced there was a potential cinema audience for their film, they resolved to raise the cash for distribution through crowdfunding website Kickstarter, which launched in the UK in October 2012. They figured that if people really did want to see the film, they might be willing to pay up front. 

“What attracted us to it was being able to raise the budget but also you’re really building your audience when you do it,” says Kaempfer, who also ran a social media campaign. “The whole concept of Kickstarter is a sense of involvement. People back the project but they also buy into the story. They become part of the story and it can have a happy ending or an unhappy ending.” Battle of screens

No society that loved its children would divorce them so completely from contact with soils, forests, streams, and wildlife. No society that loved its children would create places like the typical suburb or shopping mall. No society that loved its children would casually  destroy real neighborhoods and communities in order to build even more highways... No society that loved its children would build more shopping malls than high schools. No society that loved its children would leave behind a legacy of ugliness... Loving Children: A Design Problem