
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

All humans are dead except those who have knowledge...and all those who have knowledge are asleep except for those who do good deeds … and those who do good deeds are deceived except those who are sincere...and those who are sincere are always in a state of worry … reports that fans of the Sex and the City movie are looking for a book featured in one scene--Love Letters of Great Men--that does not exist. The site says they have received hundreds of requests. The AP reports that "the closest text in the real world apparently is Love Letters of Great Men and Women: From the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day, first released in the 1920s and reissued last year by Kessinger Publishing." That thirty-two dollar paperback has risen to No. 114 at Amazon.
If No One Hears About Your Book, No One Can Buy It; Crikey and their defamation lawyer: Separated at birth?

Can we change the heart of politics? Labor pair's surreal plunge into scandal
JOHN DELLA BOSCA appears to have run foul of the Premier a second time over the Iguanas Waterfront affair, it emerged last night, after Morris Iemma denied he or his office had ever been told of three statutory declarations that Mr Della Bosca's wife, Belinda Neal, withheld from the public.

THERE'S a reason courtroom witnesses swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That's because an omission can be just as damaging

Iemma and minister fail to do the numbers ; [Like fiddling while Rome burns ; Iguana affair ]
• · WHEN Belinda Neal started dating a young NSW Labor Party official, John Della Bosca, she opened the door to more than just a new relationship Power families; Bullies get away with anger unleashed in private ;
• · The Rich List: Where are they now? ; Executive rich BRW list
• · · You stab my back and I'll stab yours: management perceptions and experience of organisation political behaviour Bending the rules to fit the situation and self promotion.; High speed
• · · · Opes Prime director, Deloitte clash in court Guide to track a broking firm that went broke; Battered Babcock & bankers
• · · · · THE litigation-fest surrounding Opes Prime has intensified, with the collapsed stockbroker's first Singapore client, Asia Pacific Links, taking Federal Court action late on Friday against financier Merrill Lynch. Opes client sues bank; Conspicuous consumption is reflected in a Russian joke making the rounds It describes how one wealthy businessman tells a friend of buying a tie for $100. “You fool,” the other responds. “You can get the same tie for $200 just across the street.” Additional Costs Allowances ; GOVERNMENTS often get more than they bargained for when they hand control of major infrastructure to private equity companies. High price to pay for private equity
• · · · · · Tracking plastic's breakdown products ; Man-made chemicals in food chain cause deepconcern, say researchers. Sheree Bega reports absorption in the human body, or their use reduced Cancer and households link probed