
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Dear Diary entry 22 November 2007 AD:

Pink Rose John Hatton

In Parliament, John Hatton was very good value. We need a few more like him. In art, John is creating ripples in all kinds of rivers and landscapes … A noted British author once described good painting as arresting an image in time, such that film or cinema could never do. Painting offers something that no human eye, film or cinematic experience could deliver: the ability to capture an event or scene through the lens of an artist. One and all Australians should consider czeching out Different Strokes at 14 Foster Street in Queanbeyan The Artists Shed: John and David Hatton's art exhibition in Queanbeyan from today 22 November until Christmas

Ach, After spending September at Jervis Bay and October at Byron Bay, we could not agree more with John’s sentiment about the overkill of the development on the south coast. HUSKISSON is in danger of becoming another Byron Bay as developers circle the seaside village. In recent weeks two bids have been made to redevelop key commercial properties fronting Jervis Bay, and there are fears developers may move in to take advantage of Shoalhaven City Council planning laws left in limbo HUSKY ‘AT RISK’ ; Independent Mr. John Hatton, the anti-corruption and anti-crime campaigner - and the Wood royal commission, 10 years on Holding judgement