
Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Web has become a very powerful creative medium ... [and a] very popular consumer medium. Where the two meet, opportunity explodes
-McKinney's Brad Brinegar

If you want to understand exactly how the federal government's "reform" plan to abolish the cross-media ownership rules will denigrate Australian journalism and curtail media diversity, here it is. Eric Beecher categorically states How media "reform" will kill genuine debate

The Blog, The Press, The Media: The Blogosphere as a Carnival of Ideas
Both group blogs and the many hundreds of individual academic blogs that have been created in the last three years are pioneering something new and exciting. While blogging won’t replace academic publishing, it builds a space for serious conversation around and between the more considered articles and monographs that we write.

In July 2004 an anonymous blogger revealed his identity when he allowed his photograph to be taken at the Democratic National Convention. "Atrios," the writer of a prominent left-wing blog, Eschaton, turned out to be Duncan Black, an assistant professor of economics at Bryn Mawr College. Black had worried that a trenchant political blog might be perceived as inappropriate for a young academic and also wanted to avoid invasions of his personal and professional life. He went public only when he had quit the academy to join Media Matters, a watchdog organization.

Media Matters [A reflection on journalism, journalism education, and academic values The Media World as It Is ; Students are being told to watch their digital profiles Cleaning Up Their Online Acts ; The America Online unit of Time Warner agreed yesterday to buy Weblogs, the owner of 85 Web sites that serve as hosts to the popular online diaries called blogs. AOL Will Buy Weblogs ]
• · ; The progressive animal rights organization has a ruthless approach for getting coverage in the mass media -- with enviable results Whatever It Takes ;
From today it will be legal for your bosses to trace your internet use, screen your emails and watch you with a hidden camera Memo all: the big brother of bosses may be watching
• · · Sources tell me that Judy Miller is telling friends that she has made a $1.2 million book deal with Simon & Schuster Making Faux Martyrdom Pay: Judy Miller Lands a Book Deal ; Freed Reporter Says She Upheld Principles Book Deal may be heavy on cheesy dip
• · · · By David Ranii: Last year, Internet advertising revenue rose nearly 33 percent to $9.6 billion, according to data collected by PricewaterhouseCoopers for the Interactive Advertising Bureau. Revenue in the first quarter of this year rose 26 percent compared with the same period a year prior, for the ninth consecutive quarter of growth Web Draws in Advertisers ; Searching for Answers
• · · · · Jay Rosen: Just one man's opinion, but now is a good time to say it: The New York Times is not any longer--in my mind--the greatest newspaper in the land. Nor is it the base line for the public narrative that it once was. Some time in the least year or so I moved the Washington Post into that position... News Comes in Code: Judy Miller's Return to the Times ; Tim Porter The essence of what makes a great newspaper has nothing to do with paper. It has to do with being a great community voice, reporting a story very well, and gaining the trust of your audience and your marketers. No, I wouldn't say that print media is on its way out. … I would say, however, that it better be very well justified if it is going to exist. … I think we've seen the passing of print as the medium of news delivery. There are plenty of examples where print was the best we could do because it's all we had. But the online medium is better. Developing and building new communities
• · · · · · Best of the New Web; When blogging meets heckling ; In 2001, Adam Mathes discovered the practice of googlebombing The ethics of googlebombing ; CNet has named Robert Scoble in its list of the Top 100 blogs Media Blogs in's Blog 100: Robert Scoble