
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Under cosmopolitanism, if it comes, we shall receive no help from the earth. Trees and meadows and mountains will only be a spectacle, and the binding force that they once exercised on character must be entrusted to Love alone. May Love be equal to the task!
-E.M. Forster

As you've surely heard, a summer of Faulkner was enough to drive Oprah back to contemporary books and live authors she can bring on her show. Oprah's Book Club to Add Contemporary Writers
Somewhere near you, someone is signing a flyleaf. An insider’s guide to a literary phenomenon. No longer is it just rock stars who go on tour, attract groupies and perform live. Britain has gone crazy over writers and readings at literary festivals And now, live on stage, the superstar author

Art of Living & Literature Across Frontiers: Last Day in September: Machiavellian Morality
When Ronald Reagan said the only thing on earth enjoying eternal life is a government program, he forgot about Deep Throat.

The late-spring exposure of former FBI deputy director Mark Felt as the long-secret Watergate source revived this unending political drama: movies were being produced, books published, and Watergate revisited on talk shows...
I now realize that we humans have an infinite capacity for self-justification

One reason teenagers, among others, are jammed in our prisons [Could this list in fact mark the end of the age of the great public intellectual? Not that there's anything wrong with it, as Jerry Seinfeld might say. Who are the world’s leading public intellectuals? ; On the brink of turning 80, Gore Vidal - aristocrat, intellectual and prolific novelist, playwright, and essayist - is as outspoken as ever. Age cannot wither him ]
• · Ten years ago, the Russian futurologist Leo Nefiodov predicted that the health industry would take over from information technology as a motor for growth The end of the miserable quest for the self ; Americans work harder than any other industrialized nation. Labor on the Screen
• · · Human beings are self-absorbed creatures, so the response to Hurricane Katrina has naturally included some hand-wringing over the question: "Could this happen to my hometown?" Wyoming? Nope. West Virginia? Think again Where To Hide From Mother Nature; Don't Blink. You'll Miss the 258th-Richest American ; 'Fortune's Formula': Wanna Bet?
• · · · The words themselves outweigh moral and ideological arguments The case for the classics is read within ; Wise Hedgehogs and Clever Foxes
• · · · · These WSJ links likely dissappear in short term Knowledge Deficit ; Better Information Isn't Always Beneficial
• · · · · · Bernard Lagan on Mark Latham’s first marriage I had more success with women than her; Where words fail, music speaks ... Too picky? Too shy? Addicted to ``hamster love''? Confessions of a speed dater