
Friday, July 01, 2005

"I tell you old and young are better than tired middle-aged, nothing is so dead dead-tired, dead every way as middle-aged."
Gertrude Stein, Brewsie and Willi
Although he does not look like a terrorist, more like an emaciated, weasel human being with his eyes turned inward. He is different. He is a terrorist. I hate Winston Smith. (via Modulator) Doublethinking For Doubleplusgooding

Art of Living & Literature Across Frontiers: Crossing Over
Here's an introduction to the world of commercial publishing

About 10 years ago, while reading a well-known medieval chronicle, I stumbled across an amazing crime story. The case involved a Norman knight, his beautiful young wife and the squire who allegedly raped her in 1386.
The two men fought a celebrated judicial duel before the French king — a fight to the death with lance, sword and dagger that also decided the lady’s fate. The affair was still controversial in France at the time I stumbled on the story, and many original documents survived, but no one had ever written a full-length account. Fascinated by the story, I started researching it and eventually began work on a book.

How do you sell your book to an agent? [Five Reasons to Stop Saying, “Good Job” ; Absinthe - new European writing ]
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