
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Hell hath no fury like an intellectual spurned."
-Billy Shakespeare, very liberally paraphrased

Let's just agree it's all Thomas Jefferson's fault. The writer of the Declaration of Independence inscribed "the pursuit of happiness" into the very DNA of America by asserting that such a right was every bit as inalienable as those of life and liberty The Happiness Scam

Art of Living & Literature Across Frontiers: How Czech-born Freud influenced Hollywood
In the 1930s the largely Jewish community of psychoanalysts in Vienna was forced to emigrate.

Many went to America and soon Sigmund Freud’s ideas began to infuse Hollywood films: you would have been hard-pressed to find a leading director, producer, scriptwriter or actor who had not been psychoanalysed. The spellbinding Spellbound was the most explicitly pschyoanalytical of Hitchcock’s films, using the ingenious device of the analyst as detective. An analyst, played by Ingrid Bergman, solves a crime by unblocking the repressed memory of Gregory Peck, falling in love with him in the process... Hitchcock was knowingly using Freud

• They F*** You Up: How to Survive Family Life Be a Freud . . . be very much a Freud [Do leading conservative pundits and thinkers believe in evolution? Evolutionary War ; Cardinal Christoph Schönborn explains the Catholic church's views on evolution ; Getting the Monkey off Darwin's Back Four Common Myths About Evolution ]
• · Not depression, but it's enough to make you feel awful much of the time - Low-level depression is the "small black dog that wakes up with you" and follows you around all day The grey sadness The little black dog that colours your life grey ; Single men living alone are finding it tough, says Dave Hill in The Guardian. More men are discovering that the Playboy myth of the perfect single life is just that – a myth – as they struggle with growing levels of loneliness, depression and the anxiety of living alone Sad bachelors ; Gender, sexuality and the marriage debate: I would be very foolish to try to enter into those politics in Australia without understanding the context and the stakes - Judith Butler is one of the most important philosophers and social critics working today Gender Trouble of Academic superstar
• · · Women report more pain throughout their lifetime Women Suffer More than Men ; I knew nothing about Puthli the first time I heard her self-titled album but she instantly made an impression. I couldn't figure out - was she singing jazz? Rock? Soul? Then I realized...who cares? Puthli's songs were so bizarre yet enticing, somewhere between seduction and infliction, with a dash of camp and some genuine pipes I Dig Love ; This week it’s: sex and nakedness; music and social change; Kelis and Grace Jones; Sam Cooke covered by The Nevilles, The Fugees and by DC-based vocalist, Sunny Sumter Breath of Life
• · · · Art Blog Aggregator ; Universe of Films Participatory Media : Social Networks & A Participatory Zero Budget Movie ; Don't call them sidelines, junk, or stuff. Call non-book items 'gifts Booksellers on Selling Gifts; As part of Amazon's 10th anniversary hype, they have created a "hall of fame" noting their 25 bestselling authors Shakespeare just missed the list ; Luis Fernando Verissimo's "Borges and the Eternal Orangutans" is a perfect novel. I'll say it again: This book is a perfect novel
• · · · · New York Times Weighs In on Internet Sales Tax ; Goodbye, Evan Hunter (updated)
• · · · · · Somehow, he has found ways to make those ancient voices fresh ; Alleluja! For those who don't want to own anything that won't fit in my coffin Sydneyrella: Tenants in line for long-term leases ; Especially now that Superfunds are keen to get more into rental markets: Choice: Long-term renter puts down roots