
Saturday, April 16, 2005

In the mid-seventies, Murdoch recognized New York as the bargain of the century. Now it’s his city, we only live here. Back then, New York was for many a “ruined and broken city.” To Rupert Murdoch it was the chance of a lifetime What Rupert Wrought

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Writing to the Moment
Do you have a Web site? If so, do you update it regularly with fresh news of your activities, including links to stories about you that are published or broadcast in the mainstream media, or on other Web sites?

If you’re reading this blog, you know what Murdoch means. Newspapers are in trouble, yet they show few signs of rethinking what they do and how they do it. My own guess is that most of them won’t. It seems to me highly unlikely that whatever eventually replaces newspapers—and they will be replaced, sooner rather than later—is going to be invented by the same people who are currently publishing newspapers. Established institutions rarely if ever transform themselves, least of all in response to external threats to their existence. Instead, they are replaced by brand-new institutions that spring up in response to those same threats, seeing them as an opportunity.

But if you’re an artist, ask yourself this: how are you using the new media to interact with your audience and spread the word about your work?
From the trenches [Why the locals? The web plugs us into the whole world, but it's your neighbourhood that gets left in the dark. -tim gillin - A new model for LOCAL NEWSpapers ; How artists can use the web ]
• · Trevor Cook: Predicting the death of mainstream ; When I was much, much younger, all the world was a stage, and I was more than happy to be one of the players. I had a hard time shutting off that thing that makes me an actor, and most of the time, I was "on" in some way or another. I guess the world is still a stage, I still have my exits and entrances, and in my time I've played many parts . . . but right now, I play the part of The Writer Blogging Role Model: it's a luscious mix of words and tricks ; Three years ago Paul Sheehan wrote this cover story for the Herald and Age magazine - the Good Weekend and now a unpublished article by Ben Hills takes the story further. Miracle water on Media Watch
• · · Michael I didn't say Murdoch was brilliant, I said what he was saying is brilliant and that is different. You say what he is saying is the bleeding obvious and what every ten year old knows. Precisely! Murdoch talks about digital natives (eg ten year olds) and digital immigrants (eg Murdoch and management of most media organisations). What comes naturally to the native has to be taught to the immigrant. What is bleedingly obvious to the native is an obscurity to the immigrant. The internet has not been Murdoch's bush tucker. Just another wing of the great media dragon, Harry Heidelberg, Posted at April 15, 2005 10:05 AM Webdiary on Murdoch ; The latest example of blogging power of the powerless is Massih (Masoumeh) Alinejad, the parliament correspondent for reformist newspapers who was banned from the parliament building last week because of the troubles she had made for hardliner Mps Iranian regime is the best promoter of weblogs ; Banned reporter turns to weblogs
• · · · The failure of the media to question the government's claims in the period leading up to the Iraq war was a terrible violation of the public's confidence and trust. This will not soon be forgotten The Press in America: Mirror Images (7 Letters) ; Being captive to no-one. SMH editor-in-chief Mark Scott ; What do you get if you cross a search engine with an encyclopedia? Factbites was created by Rapid Intelligence, a content technology company based in Sydney, Australia. Fact Bites - Iron Curtain
• · · · · Over time, and particularly recently, surveillance of ordinary citizens has increased to dramatic levels. Not only are governments watching more aspects of their citizens’ lives, but those in the private sector are increasing surveillance of people as well The race to increase intelligence ; If a supervolcano doesn’t kill them first Orwell’s reality will LexisNexis: 280,000 more possible data theft victims
• · · · · · What happens when the watchers become the watched? They don't like it much Surveilance by Orwell; Thinking Through Blogs Hell hath no fury like a Media Dragon scorned Research blogging as writing in the moment ; PR Watch