
Thursday, October 16, 2003

1803 - 2003 AD: Then & Now Convicts Shipping Out Criminals: New Purer Colony
Mr Carr's comments - and allegations from Deputy Police Commissioner Dave Madden that the Greenacre shootings were related to a family feud - were part of a smoke-screen. Mr Madden had been informed a criminal turf war had been growing for 12 months.
· Pressure mounts to slaughter criminal elements at sea ...(irony intended) [SMH]
· Suffering from a carrse because of the actions of their forefathers [BBC ]

Face it, Migrants will never be rich: Our surnames are just loaded with Irony
Why do migrants still believe in the rags-to-riches fairy tale? In this final extract from his explosive new book, Michael Moore explains why the corporate bosses will never let the new world dream become a reality
· Less is Moore?! [The Guardian(UK)]