
Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Cry for help Three years inside leaves boy terrified of a free life

Alamdar Bakhtiari, who has spent three of his 15 years living in detention, says he never wants to come out. He says he feels safer behind the razor wire.
With his angry father, Ali, at his side, Alamdar is edgy and fearful.
His words tumble out, filled with accusations and disbelief. "It is not fair you come and talk to us, and then you go home to your family and a nice house and we stay here. We are not free to leave. You have lovely homes and families, but all we have is nothing, not even our freedom. I am not allowed to enjoy freedom like other boys. It makes me crazy. I hate it here; I hate Australia. I am not a criminal; I have done nothing wrong."

· Alamdar Bakhtiari carved the word freedom on his forearm in an act of desperation [Asylumn]