
Tuesday, April 01, 2003

sAddam’s Missing Apples - An Bilion $ update

Five years ago, in Amman, the capital of Jordan, eight wealthy Iraqis were savagely murdered at a dinner party in a Mafia style execution. The victims of this savage crime were front people for businesses secretly owned by Saddam Hussein. Like hundreds of other wealthy Arab businessmen around the world, they held cash and investments in trust for Saddam. But Saddam believed these Iraqis were double-crossing him, and he has only one means of control over this vast financial empire - fear.
So was it really necessary to invade Iraq - or could a determined effort to stem his sources of revenue have worked? We will never know. But as Jim Waley discovered, the fingerprints of many Western countries - including some among the Coalition of the Willing - are all over Saddam's bulging money box.
· First Blogger to expose the money trail will live in the virtual memory forever [SundayJW]