
Sunday, February 09, 2003

War & Peace Iraq and the Ghosts of Munich and Czechoslovakia

Nothing has haunted American foreign policy more than the image of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain waving the Munich Agreement in his hand and declaring that he had brought peace in our time. He hadn't, of course. Adolf Hitler, only emboldened by Western Europe's sellout of Czechoslovakia, continued his aggression, leading ultimately to World War II. The memory of this debacle has since clouded the worldview on the role of diplomacy in resolving international conflicts.
· 1938 [PopPolitics]

After Two Decades 1984 Repeats Itself

Political Quiz for 2003

People who live near chemical plants can no longer go online and find out which hazardous materials are stored near their home. Air travelers can no longer see Federal Aviation Administration records on airport-security violations. Journalists and elected officials no longer have access to a string of reports pinpointing weaknesses in the nation's antiterrorism defenses.
· 1984 [Mother Jones]