
Sunday, October 20, 2002

People who need politicians are the unluckiest people in the world

MARK STEYN has a piece on celebrities in politics that's too good to excerpt but not too good to ask How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?
Instapundit suggests lots of political news and quotes at Political Wire: ‘When the voters of Hawaii awake the morning after the Nov. 5 election, they are likely to find they have done two extraordinary things: elect a live Republican to the governor's office and a dead Democrat to Congress. Such is the state of politics in Hawaii.' And such is the state of politics in Australia Gong's gone Green

Margo Kingston in an article entitled 'Green Steel' drove her finger on the pulse when she suggested that colourful boys from the right wing should take time out from twisting their knickers over who to blame and look in the mirror:

'The Cunningham defeat is not about poor Simon Crean. It's about the NSW Right and the NSW Premier Bob Carr, who until recently managed to convince voters he had clean hands despite the ugliness of the faction he is in. Good man, Bob, even as his government planned to sell public land all over Sydney to developers and flog off public schools to developers. Bob Carr, Mr Clean, is no such thing. Paul Keating has publicly begged Labor to ban developers making donations to political parties, citing horrific overdevelopment which is ugly to boot. No, says Carr. Carr the complicit.'

Fisk Fisked

Why is it that when politicians and bloggers say they want ‘balance’ in the news, what they really mean is wanting yet another venue to attack people they don’t agree with?

Me, Myself, and I: A Love Story in the tip-jar.

The joy of it is that we still don't know where it's headed; but we're absolutely intent on enjoying the ride. So what if it isn't a money-maker yet? The writing's the thing. And if cash is your primary goal in life, you shouldn't have become a writer in the first place. Meanwhile, please log on. And, if you feel like it, throw some money in the tip-jar. Could you be the buddy who can spare a dime?