
Sunday, October 27, 2002

Paul Wellstone: 1944-2002
Proud To Be Liberal; Determined To Make A Difference

For economic and social justice activists, there was never any
doubt about the identity of their representative in Washington. No
matter what state they lived in, the senator they counted on was the
same man: Paul Wellstone.

We mourn not just the man, but what he represented, unapologetic advocacy for democratic principle and genuine compassion, in a political world all too tainted by cynicism and self-interest.

· An Appreciation by John Nichols
· In His Own Voice by David Corn

Stories By Wellstone:
· Winning Politics
· If Poverty is the Question.

Maybe in death Wellstone, a supporter of Victory Over Want, will be able to achieve what eluded him in life. He often quoted Franklin D. Roosevelt's admonition that ‘The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.’ But he had not been able to convince the nation of this.