
Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Balding's ABC

Russell Balding notices a very large sign which reads "Welcome to our Town". We have two cemeteries, and no hospital. Drive carefully".

This tells Russell more about life in country towns than a hundred or so policy documents and submissions coming out of Sydney or Canberra. It also reminds Russell what ABC Radio means to people in the country areas.

"It reminds me that over the last two decades, under the pretence of micro economic reform, country towns in Australia were being left behind, when one by one the banks or the railway stations or the hospitals or the schools closed. Where big business and Governments failed regional and rural Australia - ABC Radio remained and continued to deliver quality broadcasting services both within and throughout those areas."

ABC of reflection "Years of doing more with less has taken its toll ... We are at the limit of our comprehensiveness without additional funding. There are no more rabbits left in the hat."

Russell has not changed and his promotional tone is our tone, even if his meanings are not always our meanings.

I have not forgotten the kindness of some of you who wrote that my appointment was a clear sign the ABC was about to enter a glamorous new era ... one characterised by brown cardigans, slip-on shoes and compulsory spreadsheet studies. I'm sorry, I've left the cardigan at home, but I am wearing the slip-on shoes.