
Friday, February 21, 2025

John Hatton - Corruption Fighter Honours Local Hero in the Glass House Mountains

 Former Politician John Hatton AO thanks detective for courage under fire 🔥

16 February 2025

Corruption Fighter Honours Local Hero in the Glass House Mountains

John Hatton AO, renowned anti-corruption advocate and former independent Member of Parliament for the NSW South Coast, is in the Glass House Mountains to present a personal painting of the region to former NSW Detective Sergeant Max Chapman. The painting’s frame bears the inscription: “To Detective Sergeant Max Chapman for Courage and Persistence in Exposing Corrupt Police.”

Chapman, alongside former Detective Sergeant John Edlund and former Senior Constable Peter Jamieson, played a critical role in exposing deep-rooted corruption within the NSW Police Force during the 1980s. After being ignored by police administration, the trio took their concerns to Hatton about possible ties between corrupt police officers and the Calabrian ‘Ndrangheta—also known as the ‘Honoured Society’—which was deeply embedded in the multi-million-dollar marijuana trade. Their bravery came at a significant personal cost.

Hatton’s relentless advocacy led to the establishment of the NSW Police Royal Commission, which exposed widespread corruption and resulted in the removal of 180 officers. Nigel Hadgkiss AM APM, the Commission’s Director of Operations, later described it as “The biggest exposure of corruption in a police force anywhere in the world.”

The influence of the ‘Ndrangheta in Australia was further revealed during the inquest into the assassination of Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Colin Winchester. Many believe the criminal organisation ordered his murder—a subject explored in an upcoming revised edition of a book by lawyer Terry O’Donnell.

The painting presentation serves to honour both Max Chapman and his wife, Elaine, as local heroes. Of relevance, the NSW Police is currently reviewing new evidence, including previously unexamined documents from the Winchester inquest, that further reveal how a corrupt NSW detective sergeant fraudulently defamed Chapman, ultimately costing him a role in the Australian Federal Police. The deception and falsity were further compounded when the corrupt sergeant prepared a doctored response for the police minister to respond to questions asked by Hatton in Parliament – an action that, if exposed, could have cost the minister his portfolio.

Though Hatton resides in Jervis Bay, he has been staying with Chapman while completing his painting in the Glass House Mountains.

Both John Hatton and Max Chapman are available for interviews and photographs.

Media Contact:
Max Chapman – (07) 5493 0107

- Max Chapman on a horse photo supplied by J Hatton

William (Bill) Beale

Over 40 years in law enforcement - principally as an investigator - with the ACT Police, Australian Federal Police, Federal Attorney-General’s Special Investigations Unit (War Crimes), and ICAC.

Qualified PowerBuilder programmer - currently develop software for law enforcement.

Awarded the Queen’s Commendation for Brave Conduct – 1974

Bachelor of Arts in Administration with majors in law and computing – Canberra University.  Dux of course

Post-graduate studies in accounting and computing at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Resume of John Edward Hatton AO

Highlights of Career:  Held the balance of power in the NSW Parliament 1991‑95 with two other independents. Negotiated the Charter of Reform with the Government and the Opposition to improve accountability of the Parliament, the legal system and key areas of government administration.

In 1994 convinced the NSW Parliament to establish the Wood Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service. This Royal Commission exposed endemic corruption and led to widespread reform of the NSW Police Service and the establishment of the Police Integrity Commission.

In 1990 gained unanimous support of the NSW Legislative Assembly for the NSW Government to advise the Federal Government to appoint a Royal Commission into the activities of the Mafia and to examine its relationship to State and Federal police in the growing of illegal marihuana crops.

Successfully put pressure on the NSW government to establish the 1988 Royal Commission into Mental Health Services, known as the Chelmsford Royal Commission.

Honours and Awards:  Hon Fellow University of Wollongong 2002; Order of Australia 1999 for service to the community by raising public awareness of social issues and as an advocate for social change; National Trust of Australia nominated Australian Living Treasure 1998; Hon Visiting Fellow, School of Social Work, University of NSW 1995; Churchill Fellowship 1989 for study in Sweden and Canada; Jaycees Australia’s Outstanding Young Man of the Year 1970.

Parliamentary Career:  Member of NSW State Parliament for 22 years 1973-95 where he was a consistent campaigner against corruption, exposing corruption and wastage in Departments (Department of Motor Transport, Police, Public Service and legal system). Exposures included the drug trade and the role of organised crime in politics, the legal system, police and the public service.  Member of Parliamentary Standing Committees of oversight of the Ombudsman’s Office and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Member of Parliamentary Committees on Parliamentary Standing Orders and Procedures, Defamation Legislation, Police Administration, Public Accounts re Health Infrastructure, and Chairman of the Homefund and FANMAC Committees.

Local Government Career:  President of Shoalhaven Shire 1970 – 73. Shire Councillor 1965 -73. Member NSW Shires Association Executive 1969-71. Teacher at Nowra High School for 21 years.




Address:  8 Watt Street, Huskisson, New South Wales, 2540.