
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

X marks the spot for lots of misinformation

 Free Speech on the Internet: The Crisis of Epistemic Authority Daedalus

J5 targets cryptocurrency during Cyber Challenge

Last week, some of the best cybercrime investigators and analysts from around the world gathered in Brisbane for the Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement’s (J5) annual J5 Cyber Challenge. They reviewed data and identified quality leads focussing on cryptocurrency themes.

The World’s Top Futurist Predicts We’re 10 Years from Immortality. Are You Ready to Live Forever?

Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ Is Surprisingly Scientifically Accurate, Mirroring Complex Atmospheric PhysicsZMEScience

Berlin is sceptical of EU migration policy, but warms to Europe-wide Albania model Euractiv

Meta Platforms and YouTube ban RT worldwideWSWS

RT editor-in-chief proclaimed ‘expert troller’ RT “Key line – ‘Christiane Amanpour interviewed her ex-husband about our perfidy and called me an ‘expert troller’.’”

Scenes From The Literary Blacklist Persuasion

The PhD Paradox: A Journey into Academia’s Upside-Down World Daniel Lemire


We or They? Crooked Timber