
Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Nudges and threats: soft versus hard incentives for tax compliance

The Non-Compete Revolution Begins Wealth Management

Private Equity Giants Invest More Than $200M in Federal Races to Protect Their Lucrative Tax LoopholeExposed by CMD

America’s New Political War Pits Young Men Against Young Women Wall Street Journal. So all this political divisiveness is now hitting the gender divide among the young. At the margin, not very pro-reproduction.

Zirnsak & Ward - The Verdict: some progress on the looming multinational tax dodging reforms but “enormous” task ahead

Kevin Burrowes Serving Two Masters: Meredith Beattie - You should be sorry’: Former PwC GC slammed for role in tax leaks

The Luke and Tom show: Inside the undoing of PwC

McDonald's, Coke, UberEats, YouTube pile into gaming as PwC suggests in-game ad revenue has overtaken news media – and will double in four years

NSW public servants ordered back to the office

The largest employer in the country has ordered its staff to get back into the office as working from home appears done for good.

Michael Hudson & Jill Stein: Israel Just Crossed Hezbollah And Iran’s Red Line: WWIII Looms

Israel has just greatly upped the ante with assassinations in Tehran, Beirut, and possibly a third in Damascus. How will the Axis of Resistance respond?

Israel Assassinates Hamas Negotiator, Ismail Haniyeh, in Iran, Leading to Condemnation Across Muslim World; Israel Attempts Assassination of Hezbollah Leader in Beirut; Settler Brownshirt Rampage Against IDF Wins Knesset Backing

Israel escalates as Tony Blinken wrings his hands.

Tesla that killed motorcyclist was in Full Self-Driving mode The Register

Inside the WSJ’s Investigation of Tesla’s Autopilot Crash Risks WSJ

Copyright Office tells Congress: ‘Urgent need’ to outlaw AI-powered impersonation TechCrunch

Why I Finally Quit Spotify The New Yorker

Scammers are targeting myGov accounts during tax time. How can users protect their ATO refunds?

De Neve, J. E., Imbert, C.,Spinnewijn , J., Tsankova , T., & Luts, M. (2021). How to improve tax compliance? Evidence from population wide experiments in Belgium. De Neve et al. (2021)

John, P., & Blume, T. (2018). How best to nudge taxpayers? The impact of message simplification and descriptive socialnorms on payment rates in a central London local authority. John and Blume (2018)

Hallsworth, M., List, J. A., Metcalfe, R. D., & Vlaev , I. (2017). The behavioralist as tax collector: Using natural field experiments to enhance tax compliance. Hallsworth et al. (2017)

Andersson, H., Engström , P., Nordblom , K., & Wanander , S. (2023). Nudges and threats: soft versus hard incentives for tax

compliance. Andersson et al. (2023) 

Kettle, S., Hernandez, M., Ruda , S., & Sanderson, M. A. (2016). Behavioral interventions in tax compliance: Evidence from Guatemala. Kettle et al. (2016)

Hernandez, M., Jamison, J., Korczyc , E., Mazar, N., & Sormani , R. (2017). Applying Behavioral Insights to Improve Tax Collection: Experimental Evidence from Poland. Hernandez et al. (2017)

Wenzel, M. (2006). A letter from the tax office: Compliance effects of informational and interpersonal justice. Wenzel (2006)

Biddle, N., Fels, K. M., & Sinning, M. (2018). Behavioral insights on business taxation: Evidence from two natural field

experiments. Biddle et al. (2018)

Why the CrowdStrike bug hit banks hard Bits About Money