
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

TikTok Content Farms Use AI Voiceovers to Mass-Produce Political Misinformation

In an age of madness, to expect to be untouched by madness is a form of madness. But the pursuit of sanity can be a form of madness, too.
 ~ Saul Bellow

Why One Dutch TV Network Became The World’s Inventor And Market Tester Of Reality TV Formats

The CEO of Talpa Studios, part of Dutch media conglomerate the Talpa Network, explains it as, ultimately, an issue of language — which is to say, yet another example of the Netherlands' long history of coming up with things to export to a world that doesn't speak Dutch. - The Hollywood Reporter


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TikTok Content Farms Use AI Voiceovers to Mass-Produce Political Misinformation

In September 2023, NewsGuard identifiedwhat appeared to be the first of its kind: a network of 17 TikTok accounts using AI text-to-speech software to create videos advancing conspiracy theories about celebrities, amassing hundreds of millions of views. Now, the phenomenon appears to be growing and shifting its focus to politics. NewsGuard has identified 41 TikTok accounts in English and French using AI-generated narration to spread political misinformation at scale. 

Call it the rise of the TikTok AI content farm. (Content farms are entities that generate large volumes of low-quality content, typically to attract views and ad revenue.) These 41 AI content farm accounts, which NewsGuard detected with the help of AI detection tool, published 9,784 videos in just 458 days, from March 2023 to June 2024, cumulatively garnering over 380 million views. Most of these accounts were created in 2024. 

On average, each account posted at least one video daily, with some publishing up to four AI-narrated videos a day. The videos spread false narratives on topics including U.S. and European politics and the Russia-Ukraine war

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