
Monday, July 22, 2024

ATO reducing tax refund SMS messages after scam onslaught

When George Kurtz announced the establishment of his new company CrowdStrike in 2012 on his blog, few outside the tech industry would have noticed.

Kurtz, along with Dmitri Alperovitch (CTO) and Gregg Marston (CFO), wrote that he wanted to change the way the cybersecurity industry responded to hacking and cyber breaches. 

He wanted to assemble a "dream team" of tech experts. A group of rebels, he called them, who believed "the current state of security is fundamentally broken and want to do something about it".

What is CrowdStrike and how is it linked to the global cyber meltdown?

ATO reducing tax refund SMS messages after scam onslaught

Perrottet- Former NSW Premier straight to work for BHP…Good to see the resource industry are still so keen to help retiring politicians find well paid work

Despite their companies owing billions, Sydney family splurge on exorbitant Tuscan wedding

Two men have been charged and more than 300 weapons have been seized in multiple searches across Sydney.
In March this year, NSW Police established Strike Force Dudi to investigate an affray involving a number of men on Elizabeth Street in Waterloo.

Nine people have been arrested in a major drug bust in Montenegro as part of an operation with the Australian Federal Police, NSW Police and European Police.

'Excessively high' cigarette taxes 'fuelling' black market, as retailers fear expansion of tobacco wars

Opinion | Where’s the official report of Trump’s injuries?

There’s been no statement, release, press conference or medical report. Voters deserve to know how he’s doing, one columnist argues.

The government has formally responded to a review of the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) initiated by the PwC tax scandal, with a view to strengthening the regulatory arrangementsof the profession.
Meanwhile, a separate review is also being jointly conducted by the Attorney-General’s Department and Treasury into the use of legal professional privilege in Commonwealth investigations.

Work Has Become Endless Meetings

The share of the typical white-collar workday spent in meetings has steadily increased for the past few decades, and it continues to grow by the year. - The Atlantic

How J.D. Vance got here Politico


Five Faith Facts About Trump’s VP Pick, J.D. VanceThe Roys Report


J. D. Vance Changes the Subject n+1. From 2023, still germane.

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Silicon Valley’s tech titans line up to donate to Trump 


Musk planning to turn Trump into Iron Man? Billionaire proposes flying metal suit after assassination bid WION


We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajority ProPublica

Inside the Mafia of Pharma Pricing Matt Stoller, BIG. The deck: “4% of all the money in America flows through a few mafia-like health care conglomerates. The FTC just released a ground-breaking report on how they operate. And it is gearing up to sue.”

Student visa holders applying for asylum

Since March 2018, over 13,700 student visa holders have applied for asylum. This does not include temporary graduate visa holders who may have applied for asylum. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) uses the number of asylum applications by student visa holders as a risk indicator which can lead to an increase in offshore student