
Sunday, June 02, 2024

Yidaki (Didgeridoo): Sit in the sun with a glass of red wine. Even if it doesn’t add years to your life, it’ll add life to your years

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson, born in 1803

Yidaki (Didgeridoo) Aboriginal

Laugh it out: Can humor ease tension in polarizing times? MPR 

MEDITERRANEAN DIET:  Turning Back Time: Study Links Key Nutrients to Slower Brain Aging. Sit in the sun with a glass of red wine. Even if it doesn’t add years to your life, it’ll add life to your years.

529 years ago today, a Scottish friar named John Cor received payment for the making of Scotch whisky, the oldest reference to the famous drink in existence. On the Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, a large collection of financial records dating from 1326 to 1708, there reads alongside an entry for a sum of money the memo “to John Cor by order of the King, to make aqua vitae VIII bolls of malt.” READ more… (1495)

Good News

From childhood’s hour I have not been 
As others were—I have not seen 
As others saw—I could not bring 
My passions from a common spring— 
From the same source I have not taken 
My sorrow—I could not awaken 
My heart to joy at the same tone— 
And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone— 
Then—in my childhood—in the dawn 
Of a most stormy life—was drawn 
From ev’ry depth of good and ill 
The mystery which binds me still— 
From the torrent, or the fountain— 
From the red cliff of the mountain— 
From the sun that ’round me roll’d 
In its autumn tint of gold— 
From the lightning in the sky 
As it pass’d me flying by— 
From the thunder, and the storm— 
And the cloud that took the form 
(When the rest of Heaven was blue) 
Of a demon in my view—

Shorty Buzz - ‘I just didn’t recognise him!’ TikToker interviews Baz Luhrmann without knowing who he is – and they talk group sex

WELL, OF COURSE:  “Follow the Money”

When I am dead and gone
they will say of me,
“We never could figure out
what he was talking about,
but it was clear that he
understood very well
that modernism is a branch
that was cut off decades ago.”
A man and a woman.
Guess who they are.
Mutt and Jeff
who used to look so good
in the comics.
I especially liked their moustaches.
And the sense in it
that God is watching
from some untelevised height,
and sometimes
throws himself on the ground.
There is a tremendous impact,
for the molecules of God
are just tremendous.