
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Starring the Computer: a catalog of computers used in movies

No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.

       New World Literature Today

       The July/August issue of World Literature Today is now out, with a focus on International Horror in Translation. 
       And, of course, there's the always interesting book review section.

Starring the Computer: a catalog of computers used in movies and TV shows. For instance: “The first episode of Andor has a heavily modified Tandy TRS-80 Model 

French potter Jacques Monneraud makes ceramic pots that look like teapots, vases, and pitchers made from cardboard and scotch tape. He offers these pots for sale, but they’re unsurprisingly sold out right now. More about Monneraud & his work on his website and Instagram. (via @presentandcorrect)

Corey Costelloe - Spiritual Chappell 20 - Since leaving Hunter St Hospitality (Rockpool Bar & Grill), the group’s former culinary director has been keeping himself busy

Precision ultrasound could treat deep parts of brain without surgery New Scientist

Jazz Remains the Sound of Modernism The Millions

 Kinky Friedman, Proudly Eccentric Texas Singer-Songwriter, Dead at 79.

Exit quotes

Fake …

2 1ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS:  I Was Content With Monogamy. I Shouldn’t Have Been

Using LiDAR data from the US Geological Survey and a site called ReliefViz, a Reddit user created this lovely blue and greyscale shaded relief map of Manhattan (and the surrounding area). It’s worth clicking through to explore the full-size image.

 Hockley Clarke on his relationship with a blackbird who lived in his garden. “There was perfect trust between us, a source of joy to me, and it must have been a comfort to him. Perhaps birds understand more than we think.”

Every Kind of Bridge Explained in 15 Minutes

Walmart is switching to electronic price tagsthat “allow employees to change prices as often as every ten seconds”. No one wants this!! No one wants surge pricing on ice cream and price increases on items already in your cart.