
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Going Nuclear when you cannot maintain sewerage properly - - Top Crypto Scammers Managed to Sell Dubai Properties

Half a trillion dollar energy policy announced with a 20 minute presser and a one page press release. I've seen Nigerian email scams with more detail.

David Crowe: "Peter Dutton is asking Australians to trust him on nuclear energy in the brazen hope they will mistake a Jatz cracker for a three-course meal."
Important for Australian journalists to look at the Hinkley C nuclear power station under construction in UK. It was announced in 2010. The construction cost was given in 2012 as £16 billion. Now estimated to cost up to …
Now estimated to cost up to £46 billion with estimated commissioning date of 2029/31.

History's worst disasters. 1. Chernobyl: - Human error. 2. Three mile island: - Equipment malfunction. 3. Fukushima: - Natural disaster. 4. Australia: - Peter Dutton - Five questions Peter Dutton needs to answer about the Coalition’s nuclear plan

It is fitting that the most apt commentary on the nature of the Republican meeting at the Capitol was written by the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in his Memoirs about life in the bizarre court of Joseph Stalin: “Stalin found it interesting to watch the people around him get themselves into embarrassing and even disgraceful situations,” wrote Khrushchev. “Once Stalin made me dance the gopak before some top Party officers. I had to squat down on my haunches and kick out my heels. Later, I told Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan ‘when Stalin says dance, wise man dances ...’”

Sidney Blumenthal - Trump’s enablers in Congress are a fascinating case study of political amnesia

Former tax office debt collector Richard Boyle's appeal against a decision that he was not protected by whistleblower laws has been dismissed, in a decision described as "another nail in the coffin of whistleblowing in Australia".

Escajeda: Songwriters, Poets, And Tax Policy

The U.S. Government’s Plan For The IRS’s Survival In A Nuclear Attack

Several of Frank Schneider’s former associates in one of the biggest cryptocurrency scams in history were facing criminal charges, and some were on the run. But if the former Luxembourg intelligence officer was concerned that the net was closing in on him too, it didn’t affect his exercise routine.

Top Crypto Scammers Managed to Sell Dubai Properties After Being Charged

New Evidence Bolsters Allegations Adani Group Overcharged for Coal

Bruce Lehrmann is being represented at today's hearing by two barristers, Andrew Hoare KC and Patrick Wilson, and his solicitor Rowan King

American Messianism Paul R. Grenier, Landmarks. The deck: “Evil, when we are in its power, is not felt as evil but as a necessity or even a duty.”


For King and country? Europe’s young may not be willing to fight Politico

China has become a scientific superpower The Economist. Commentary

Undemocratic, anachronistic, fantastic. How the City survives FT

Economics 101 Aeon

Want to pay cash? That’ll cost you extra Wall Street Journal