
Monday, May 27, 2024

TEETH FOR THE FOIA - Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

“Only the struggle counts … death is nothing.” Eloi Machoro – ‘the Che Guevara of the Pacific’ – shortly before he was gunned down by a French sniper on 12 January 1985.

Google AI overview suggests adding glue to get cheese to stick to pizza

TEETH FOR THE FOIA: No one has ever gone to jail for violating the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). And we wonder why politicians and career bureaucrats alike thumb their noses at the public’s right to know

MATT TAIBBI:  FOIA Files: Garry Kasparov Resigns from Aspen Institute Commission, Compares it to Soviet Committee: “If I’m being honest…This type of approach was common practice in the USSR.”Leftists gonna leftist. If you let them.

Plus:  Introducing the Censorship Files: What you can expect to find in Racket’s FOIA library, opening today. Why we targeted publicly-funded “anti-disinformation” programs, which are misnamed

'Oracle of Omaha' says if top companies paid tax like his, Americans wouldn't pay anything

KPMG being all things to all men

ATO seeks 1,700 new staff to conduct crackdowns

No obligation to consult on TPB board changes

NDIS rorting by criminal syndicates worse than feared, says scheme's watchdog

A mad world: capitalism and the rise of mental illness Red 

Stephanie Dahlsen asked: Looking at the budget ... Where are our big ideas? Why is Labor so policy 'lite' now? Where is the vision and the implementation of grand change?

I didn't expect to find myself agreeing with Janine Perrett, but she's right: the Budget should be about the federal government's finances, and not its policy vision for Australia. (Finances obviously affect what you can do, but shouldn't dominate the vision.)
Paul Bongiorno
Great show on @ABCmediawatch tonight that @PerrettReport Janine Perrett has a future in the media. A classy act with edge and authority.

ABC Q and A Budget 2024 Janine Perrett

Police Found Ways to Use Facial Recognition Tech After Their Cities Banned It Washington Post

TEETH FOR THE FOIA: No one has ever gone to jail for violating the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). And we wonder why politicians and career bureaucrats alike thumb their noses at the public’s right to know

LLRX – How to tell if a conspiracy theory is probably false – Conspiracy theories abound. What should you believe − and how can you tell? H. Colleen Sinclair, a social psychologist who studies misleading narratives, identifies seven step you can take to vet a claim you’ve seen or heard.

I just noticed in the innards of this Federal Tax Crimes Blog that the blog has had over 10 million pageviews. I went into the design features and found a “gadget” that I added to the right-hand column with the total pageviews which, as of this posting, was 10,092,710.

Swiss Bank Spins on Facilitating U.S. Tax Evasion 

 I link to a new posting summarizing one Swiss view of the Swiss-U.S. tax dispute. The power the US wields over the Swiss financial centre ( 5/22/24), here. The article emphasizes the U.S. political power that resulted in Swiss banks disclosing and paying the price for conspiring with U.S. taxpayers to evade their U.S. tax obligations. The latter activity was not forced on Swiss banks. They could have refused to participate (conspire with) the U.S. taxpayers. They did not so in order to earn more profits. They were called out and made to pay the piper. Not much sympathy there.

I guess the message is that, if the U.S. had not had such financial power, their assisting in U.S. tax cheating was OK

Hatfield: Safeguarding Taxpayer Data


There are six reasons why we need taxes

I posted this video this morning on a theme familiar to many here, I suspect: If the link does not work, it’s also here. The
Read the full article…