
Friday, May 31, 2024

Behind the Scenes of Poynter: The best online resources for cooking at all skill levels


Crosby Textor advised pro-Beijing HK officials

Australian political consultancy Crosby Textor advised pro-Beijing officials in Hong Kong on how to smooth the way for the start of national security laws that dramatically curtailed free speech.

The 2020 research was organised by Our Hong Kong Foundation and paid for by Chow Tai Fook, the conglomerate that owns Alinta Energy, two sources with knowledge of the project told AFR Weekend.

How to Clear Your Browser’s Cache, and Why You Should

Wired: “Every web browser has what’s called a cache: a temporary storage space for web pages that syncs online content to your computer or mobile device. This syncing is designed to help websites load up faster and put less strain on your internet bandwidth. It’s a good idea, and it works well most of the time, which is why every browser does it. However, it can cause problems. 

By its very nature, cached content can fall out of date. Browsers will try to ensure this doesn’t happen, but it can, and that might mean you’re looking at information, links, and images that are no longer accurate or relevant. What’s more, discrepancies between cached content and what’s actually on the internet can also cause all kinds of weird bugs, like pages not loading properly or web apps not functioning.

 Cached content can also represent a security vulnerability. Data stored on your computer about the websites you’ve visited can tell a story of your online activity—and while it would require physical access to your computer and a skilled hacker to find it, it’s a possibility. For all these reasons, you might want to regularly clear out cached pages. Clearing the cache effectively resets the browser’s relationship to the webpage, and it can often fix problems with a site. 

Note that cached files are different than cookies. Cookies are bits of information saved by websites that tell them details about who you are and where you’re located—so you don’t have to log in every time you visit Gmail, for example. The cache holds different information, like images and page furniture. There are reasons to clear your browser’s cookies too, but we’re going to focus on the cache here. This is how to do the job no matter what browser you’re using.”

The best online resources for cooking at all skill levels

Engadget: “You probably already know the benefits of cooking at home. It can help save you money, you can learn a new skill and it can often be healthier than eating out all the time. But regardless of if you enjoy being in the kitchen or don’t know where to start, we at Engadget know that advice can be easier said than done. After working all day, taking care of kids and pets and the like, it might feel like an insurmountable task to find a new recipe to cook for dinner. 

But there are so many online resources available now to home chefs that you can find something to fit all kinds of needs — be it a busy weeknight where you only have a few minutes to whip up a meal, or an evening where you’re feeling adventurous and want to try something new. Here, we’re gathered some of our favorite websites, YouTube channels and more that can help you on your culinary journey.”

Walter Kappacher (1938-2024)

       Sad to hear that author Walter Kappacher has passed away; see, for example, the obituary by Paul Jandl in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung
       Kappacher was awarded the biggest German author-prize, the Georg-Büchner-Preis, in 2009 -- and I was honored to be on the jury for the 2020/2021 ACFNY Translation Prize which we awarded to Georg Bauer for his translation of Kappacher's Palace of Flies.
       See also the information page at Agentur Poppenhusen.