
Thursday, May 09, 2024

‘Absurd!’: US Billionaires Pay Lower Tax Rate Than Working Class for First Time


‘Absurd!’: US Billionaires Pay Lower Tax Rate Than Working Class for First Time

“It’s time to tax the billionaires,” economist Gabriel Zucman argues in a new analysis

Survival of the Wealthiest: Joseph E. Stiglitz on the Dangerous Failures of Neoliberalism Joseph Stiglitz, Literary Hub

I’ve made it into Rear Window in the AFR. Not sure PwC will be so happy though… exposed not just as bullies, but incompetent bullies: PwC, where losers become bigger losers. Maybe they should stop betraying Australia & enabling tax evasion for the 0.01%

Dr Andrew Schmulow

To start being referred to the NACC. Uses eg of an official from Defence who was on ‘gardening leave’ due to a KPMG conflict of interest but behind closed doors was breaching his leave. Compares big consultants with “rust” saying they’ll spread till they corrupt the whole system

A wrestling match over who should control robotaxis is playing out in California TechCrunch


Tax Breaks Can’t Save Local JournalismBoondoggle

Tax Policy In The Biden Administration