
Sunday, October 08, 2023

A wedding stats

The more expensive a wedding is the more likely you are to get divorced

but number of wedding attendees is associated with lower divorce rates cheap wedding, lots of people

       At Claudia Mende has a Q & A with Said Khatibi, in Big Brother is watching you
       Sadly, he reports:
For Arabic literature, Algeria is simply a wasteland. Hardly any bookshops offer literature in Arabic. People still tend to read more in French -- we really have to fight for Arabic.
       Interesting also his comments:
Why are there no crime novels in the Arab world ? I must say I ask myself the same question; it's also something my friends keep asking me. The only answer I can think of is: the crime novel is synonymous with freedom. 

For a crime novel, you need the greatest possible freedom as an author – something we don't have in the Arab world. Even where there is no state censorship, we are used to censoring ourselves.

Naveen Kishore and Seagull | Julian Barnes profile

       Naveen Kishore and Seagull 

       At the latest in their 'The Publishing Life'-series has the Seagulls Books founder and publisher in Naveen Kishore: What the ‘idea of culture’ means to a publisher
       Meanwhile, at The Wire Sohini C. reports on Pushan Kripalani's documentary film, 'Of the Book and Other Stories', in A Beloved Publishing House and a Business Model of Impulsive Ethics 

(Posted by: M.A.Orthofer)    - permanent link -

       Julian Barnes profile 

       At The Guardian Lisa Allardice profiles the author, in ‘I didn’t think it was possible to be a novelist’: Julian Barnes on literature, loss – and his late friend Martin Amis